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This page outlines all important matters related to 2020 reporting requirements about Transforming the Collection of Student Information (TCSI).



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2020 Reporting Requirements



These documents are working in progress and therefore subject to change, update and alteration. Click on the below hyperlink to read further information.


See TCSI Migration Summary for further notes on the development and how data packets are created.



Changing fields can cause bulk operation



Do not change the following fields unless required, always consult Silverband team prior to making changes to the following fields.

In our solution we push individual records one at a time. Due to a change the made by the government back in August changing , 2020. Changing any of the following fields will cause a bulk operation which may take a while in the system.

We suggest you do not change the the following fields unless required.

Also because Another impact of this change is that you can no longer have flexible unit enrolments that have a variable start and end dates, and census dates that do not match the scheduled unit.

In this bulk operation the following will happen:

  • All the unit enrolments will be deleted from TCSI 1 one at a time.

  • Then the minimum required fields will be send to TCSI to create the unit enrolment.

  • Then an update will be sent to TCSI to completed the record as it stands in Paradigm.

The critical fields that will could cause this the bulk operation to occur areas follows:

Element number

Paradigm Field



HEIMS Discipline

Unit Edit/unit_edit.php


HEIMS Work Experience Indicator 

Unit Edit/unit_edit.php


HEIMS Summer School 

Edit scheduled unit details/scheduled_unit_edit.php


Unit of Study Year Long Indicator

Edit scheduled unit details/scheduled_unit_edit.php


HEIMS Census Date

Edit scheduled unit details/scheduled_unit_edit.php

TCSI Moved Fields


The introduction of TCSI has presented us with an opportunity to remap some internal fields to TCSI fields as the TCSI implementation has duplicated the meaning of a field into a single field.

  • E319 - Previously this field had a dual value either a post code or country and hence a separate field in Paradigm. In TCSI this element purely represents the Term Address Postal Code and element E661 has been added to capture the Term Address country code. These address fields have been now mapped to the Semester Address fields for the student and hence removed from the application.

  • E320 - Previously this field had a dual value either a post code or country and hence a separate field in Paradigm. In TCSI this element purely represents the Term Address Postal Code and element E658 has been added to capture the Residential Address country code. These addresses has been now mapped to the Billing Address fields for the student and hence removed from the application.

  • E330 - This field has been mapped to the Full/Part Time field in Paradigm. It used to be a calculated based on the EFTSL being submitted in the LL file. No action is required to make this work.

  • E329 - This field used to be located on the course enrolment screen and has now been remapped to the scheduled unit screen and the field Mode of Delivery. This field relies that the code items for this field have the new HEIMS value filled in. Please see video below.

Widget Connector
  • E355 - This field used to be on the unit enrolment and sent to HEIMS depending on the enrolment status of the unit enrolment directly coded in the application. This field has now been mapped to the enrolment status list found in the Status Edit screen and is configurable per software instance by the provider.

Please see this video to map values for the status items.

TCSI Mapped Fields

In the development of TCSI we have mapped some of the internal fields in Paradigm with fields in the TCSI specification. These fields include:

  • E599 - This field is located on the course enrolment screen and has been mapped to the course enrolment status field. The enrolment status field needs a HEIMS a value mapped to it in the status edit screen. Paradigm will only send values to TSCI where there a status mapped to the field. This means you can still have your own internal enrolment status values and only when you set a status where the value is mapped with to send a change to TSCI.


Widget Connector
  • E661 - This field has been mapped to the student country code for there Semester Address. Paradigm now has a mapping of internal country code to TCSI country codes and no provider intervention is required for this update.

  • E658 - This field has been mapped to the student country code for there their Billing Address. Paradigm now has configured a mapping of internal country code to TCSI country codes and no provider intervention is required for this update.


Screen / Url

Editing Rule

Course Edit - /program_edit.php

More required field see TCSI Push Rules

Course Edit - /program_edit.php

Need to ensure the provider is set this is used to get the Primary Provider setup previously which is mapped to your PRODA record which ensures the data is sent to the correct URL in the TCSI system either the HED area or the VET area.

Course Edit - /program_edit.php

Existing Records require a Dest UID3. Otherwise when they are saved they could create a new in the TCSI system. These are records that have been previously reported in HEPCAT

Course Edit - /program_edit.php

This data packet does not have any sub packets that required to be filled out before it will submit.

Common Data Errors

The Paradigm implementation of the TCSI web interfaces

Some HEIMS TCSI response as examples listed below:


  1. Navigate to the HEIMS web site by clicking on the below link

  2. On the side menu under 'Resources' click on the Data Element Dictionary. This loads a data element dictionary screen where you can find the specifications and operational definitions for all the elements for which date are to be reported in the Higher Education and VET data collections

  3. Click on the relevant year data elements tab option e.g. 2019 data elements

  4. Click on the Elements by number under the label 2019 higher Education Student data collection

  5. Click on the Number to be viewed.

Further reading


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