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Upon Completion of this KB the user will have an understanding of what sections are available within the Contacts tab.



Page Contents

Table of Contents
excludePage Contents


  • The User has the minimum required level to access the Contacts tab

  • The User has the permission / authority of the Institution to grant access to users / to use Paradigm

Key terms and concepts 


Be Advised


A contact is a non-student user who may or may not have an account to directly access Paradigm. Examples of contacts include administration staff, lecturers, teachers etc.


Section Name

This page will provide you the links of all the associated knowledge articles under the Contacts Menu, and below the links are some brief overview of each sub-menu.



Contacts Menu Knowledge Articles


Page Tree


Contact Sub-Menus Brief Overview



Here a user can search for existing contacts (Users). A User can be search by Given Name, Family Name, Suburb, Postcode, Home Institution, Status and Contact Role. At least one of these is required to search for contacts, however more search parameters will reduce the results produced when searching. The results can then be ordered by First Name, Last Name, Status Id or last date modified.


Add New

New Contact records are added to the system here. For a basic record the minimum required fields are first name, last name, email address and home institution. From there role needs to be assigned for security access levels.


Edit Details

From here contact roles can be edited. All fields can be updated. However if a name is updated please ensure that the login name is also edited or the previous username will still be active.


Edit Contact Info

The User's personal contact details can be added here. Multiple address can be sorted with in the system. including Residential and postal addresses, Emergency contact details, and if required Employer addresses.



Once a contact record has been created a username, password and security group are then required. In this section these are added and activated. Usernames are allocated by the system based on the contacts first and last names. Passwords must meet the password policy to be activated. When allocating a security group it is important to know what the new users roll / position is within the institution to ensure that the correct amount of access it granted to the system.


Rooms Timetable

This screen displays a timetable divided by day and hour of the Scheduled Unit Sessions associated with the loaded contact record.


When adding a contact the minimum required data to create a record: 


Field Name


Brief Overview


First name


The new Users First Name


Last Name


The new Users Family / Surname


Date of Birth


Primarily used for triggering a password reset for a specific contact. This does not need to be the contact's real date of birth.


Email Address


An email address is required for the system to send emails from and to using the communication module






Marking a contact with the status of "Archived" will also prevent that login from being able to access the system.

  • Active

  • Archived

  • Deleted


Home Institution



Be Advised

There is an optional site configuration that is disabled by default that limits the ability of a contact to only edit records that belong to the same institution as that contact’s Home Institution.

This same logic is automatically triggered by default when a contact’s Home Institution is set to a provider with the role of AGENT.

The primary provider with whom the contact is associated. A contact may only be associated with a single provider.


Further Reading

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel in ( "contact" , "login" , "permission" , "security" , "account" )

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