This knowledge article will provide a comprehensive list and description of all the minimum, optional, and related fields required to create a new contact record in Paradigm. This will also provide the workflows on how to search, add, and edit the contact’s information, and all other related how-to guides in maintaining a contact record in the system.
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title | Key Terms and Concepts |
Security group: Security group determines the level of access the user is given in paradigmParadigm. By default, new accounts are given staff security group. For administrators and power users this value is normally set to full or flex admin. Note |
BE ADVISED: Entering Date of Birth is part of triggering the system to create the user login. It does not matter if it is user's true date of birth.true date of birth. |
When adding a contact the minimum required data to create a record: Required Fields | System Required |
First Name | X |
Last Name | X |
Date of Birth | X |
Home Institution Party Id | X |
Status Id | X |
Email Address | X |
Although the above is the minimum required fields to create a record, the additional fields can be completed and used for information for PIR, HEIMS Staff reporting Reporting, or for the HR departmentDepartment. Staff ID cards can also be produced from ParadigmWhen adding a contact the minimum required data to create a record: . Field Name | Brief Overview |
First nameName | The new Users user’s First Name | Last Name | The new Users user’s Family / Surname | Date of Birth | Primarily used for triggering a password reset for a specific contact. This does not need to be the contact's real date of birth. | Email Address | An email address is required for the system to send emails from and to using the communication module. | Status | NOTE: Marking a contact with the status of "Archived" will also prevent that login from being able to access the system. | Home Institution | Note |
BE ADVISED: There is an optional site configuration that is disabled by default that limits the ability of a contact to only edit records that belong to the same institution as that contact’s Home Institution. This same logic is automatically triggered by default when a contact’s Home Institution is set to a provider with the role of AGENT. |
The primary provider with whom the contact is associated. A contact may only be associated with a single provider. |
back to top Field Name | Description |
Title | A salutation, honorary title, or social prefix given to an individual | Given Name | The new users given nameuser's Given Name | Family Name | The new users user's Family / Surname | Address Line 1 | Users User's Personal Address | Address Line 2 | Users User's Personal Address | SuburbUsers home suburb | User's Home Suburb | PostcodeUsers home postcode | User's Home Postcode | StateUsers home | User's Home State | Country | Default is Australia | PhoneUsers | User's Home Phone numberNumber | FaxUsers | User's Fax numberNumber | Work PhoneUsers | User's Work Phone Number | MobileUsers | User's Mobile Phone | Email | Email address Address is required to create a new User user record as well as for using the Communication module within the system. | DOB | Date of Birth | Area of Expertise | What is the Users Teaching user’s teaching area of expertise? | Organisation | To which organisation(s) does the user belong? | Home Institution | If the institution operates more than one institution out of the system at one time the user can be defaulted to be able to access data from their home institutionHome Institution. | Status | Active Alumni Applied Archived Deceased Deleted Discontinued Inactive On Leave Prospective Suspended
| Notes | Any additional or required notes about the Useruser. | Picture | A Passport passport style photo can be added to the record in order produce Photo photo staff Id Card. | External Id | Used to store an a unique ID assigned to the contact that is used in a 3rd party or external system. | Employment Status | The current status of the Contact. The default list of options include: Casual Full Time Casual Part Time Permanent Full Time Permanent Part Time
| Academic Qualifications | A list of qualifications earned, bestowed or achieved by the Contact. | Highest Academic Qualification | The highest academic qualification achieved by the Contact. | Studied at | The name of the institution where the Contact earned their highest academic qualification or award. | Completed | Year that a qualification was award awarded to the Contact. | Relevant Experience | The relevant experience currently held by the Contact. | Current Role | The role currently given to the Contact Position. | Length of Service | Length of time that the Contact has been associated with their home institutionHome Institution. | Publication | Publications written or associated to the Contact. | Professional Development | Professional Development undertaken by the Contact. | Professional Activities | Professional Activities undertaken by the Contact. | Current Research Activity | The research focus of the Contact. |
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Info |
INFO A contact is a non-student user who may or may not have an account to directly access Paradigm. Examples of contacts include administration staff, lecturers, teachers etc. When adding a new contact / user to Paradigm what type / level of access needs to be assessed. Different levels of access can edit / update and access varying amounts of the system from limited student data (Reception) right to full admin / registrar level access for full system access and government reporting. The type of access given to a new user will depend on their position within the institution. |
Depending on the individual user's levels of access, not all pages will be available or editable. If you have full admin Full Admin access level access and the pages still isn't visible, it maybe either not being used at your institution, or have been hidden. For more information contact the Silverband Support Team.
System will automatically create a system user login each time a new contact is created. If the contact record is not an active system user, then their login should be set to disabled.
This part of the system is not a replacement of the HR application, data entered here may be visible to different types of users. It is therefore not recommended to store sensitive data in this the system.
There is an option to limit users from accessing and/or editing student related record with a different institution to the one specified against that user. By default, this setting is not enabled. A request can be made via Silverband Support Team to enable this feature.
Updating a user’s contact’s name (due to change of name, marriage, divorce, etc.) will not automatically update their user login credentials, this will to be edited in the Contacts Login screen as well as within the user’s record. To do this, a new user User Id will need to be created, enabled, and provided a security level and password.
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title | 1. How to Search for a Contact / User |
How to How to for a Contact or User , Choose Contacts > Search menus on the side.Blue | search | for a Contact or UserClick on Contact tab in the side menu,
Click on Search in the Side Menu
Enter at least one of the following options in to the relevant search box: Given Name
Home Institution
Contact Role
Click on the Search Contact button
This : Given Name, Surname, Home Institution, Status, Contact Role.
Click the SEARCH CONTACT button.
Image Added After clicking the SEARCH CONTACT button, it will return a list of contacts that meet the your searched criteria
. To filter the list of contacts, in the
search 🔍Filter box above the list of contacts, start typing the contact’s
first First or
given Given name.
Image Added When you see the record for the contact you are looking for, click on the contact role for that contact, highlighted in blue in the left column
of that under the Role Id row. This will load the contact’s edit details page.
Image Addedback to top
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title | 2. How to Create / Add a new Contact / User to Paradigm |
How to or a New Contact or User to Paradigm
Note |
BE ADVISED Please ensure that the contact doesn't already exist prior to creating a new contact record |
Click on Contact tab in the side menu, Click on Add New in the side menu Enter the Required information - minimum required fields are (refer to the above table) Click on Save Contact Button. Once Save the new contact record, go to Contacts > Login. Refer to the next workflow on how to add a Security group to a contact.
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