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Upon completion of this KB article you will be able to Update / Edit and Allocate update, edit and allocate final grades and assessment grades to students




  • You have the minimum required permission level to access the Courses taband/or Units tabs

  • You have an understanding that making changes within this section has system wide implications

  • You have an understanding of the Australian Tertiary Education System  / VET Sector

  • You have an understanding of the Units and Courses within your Institution for , related to assessments and final grades

  • You have an understanding of time periods / time period creation

Key terms and Concepts

Field Namename

Brief Overview

Student Number

An institution allocated student identifier that uniquely identifies a student.

First NameUnit Id

Given name is the name as it appears on the student's birth certificate or identification document

Last Name

The student's family or surname

Course Name

The name of the course the student is studying

Unit ID

Institution allocated unique unit codes to identify units the unit of study

Unit Name

Institution allocated unique unit names name to identify units the unit of study

Unit Provider

The provider / Institution institution where the unit will be is offered byfor study

Unit Keywords

Key words / or buzz words that relate to the unit. These can be use when trying to find used when searching for a unit when where you don't know the its exact name

Start Date

Date the Unit unit of Study study commences

End Date

Date the Unit of Study concludes

Field name

Brief Overview

Student Number

An institution allocated Unique student identifier.

First Name

Given name is the name as it appears on the students birth certificate and identification

Last Name

The Students family or Surname

Course Name

The name of the Course the students are studying

Unit ID

Institution allocated unique unit codes to identify units of study

Unit Name

Institution allocated unique unit names to identify units of studyconcludes

Grade Description (institution defined)

  • High Distinction

  • Distinction

  • Credit

  • Pass

  • Fail

  • Withheld

  • Withdrawn

  • Withdrawn Fail

  • Credit for Prior Learning

Grade % (If Used)

The grade out of 100


grade point average is a number representing the average value of the accumulated final grades earned in courses a course over time. More commonly called a GPA, a A student's grade point average is calculated by adding up all accumulated final grades and dividing that figure by the number of grades awarded

Enrolment Status (institution defined)

  • Applied

  • Audit

  • Completed

  • Confirmed

  • Deferred

  • Enrolled

  • Exempt

  • Failed

  • Incomplete

  • Internal Offered

  • Provisional

  • Transfer Credit

  • Transferred

  • Withdrawn

DEST / HEIMS Enrolment Status

  • Successfully Completed completed all the requirements

  • Withdrew without Penaltypenalty

  • Failed

  • Unit of Study

    • to be commenced later

    int he
    • in the year or

    • still in process of completing or

    • completion status not yet determined

  • RPL - Recognition of Prior Learning (VET Only)


Final grades are visible to students and other users once the grade has been published. Prior to this grades are only visible to people who have administrator level permission.

When a grade has been published and you need to change that grade, you must unpublish the grade first, then change the grade and save it, and then publish that grade.


title1. How to Add Final Grades to Units Per Scheduled Unit

This enables you to update and save the results for all students of this scheduled unit. Clear any loaded records before you begin, by clicking the Student tab in the menu and then click the Search option.

  1. Click On the Units tab in the side menu.

  2. Click on the Search Scheduled UnitsUnit Details option in the side menu

  3. Click on the Student Results option in the side menu

  4. Enter any combination of Unit CodeId, Unit Name, Unit Provider, Start Date, End Date (Paradigm requires needs at least one of these in order to search criteria)

  5. Click on the Search Scheduled Units button.

  6. This will return a list of units that meet the searched criteria

  7. To filter the returned options start typing the name of the unit or a part of the scheduled unit id into the search box. The list of returned results will reduce to match the criteria.

  8. Click on the Actions button on the right hand side of the required record.

  9. Click on the Edit Unit Results option in the Action menu

  10. Scroll Down On the new page that opens, scroll down to the Edit Student Results section

  11. Each line row is for an individual Student. For each line enter the Grade description, Grade percentage (If used) and Enrolment status appropriate for the final grade.

  12. Click on the Save Results & Set Enrolment Status from Grade button.The Grades can with be Published . This will save the result you have entered, and will mark the unit enrolment status to what you have chosen.

  13. Now that the grades have been saved, the Grades can be Published immediately (released to the students) now by pressing clicking the Publish Results button or can be delayed for releasing . If you want to delay the publishing of grades for release on a specific date by entering , enter the release date in the Grade Release Date box or click the calendar button to choose the release date box , and then click the Publish Results button.

title2. How to Add Grades to Assessments via the Units Page

This enables you to update and save the results for a single assessment for each student of this scheduled unit. Clear any loaded records before you begin, by clicking the Student tab in the menu and then click the Search option.

  1. Click On the Units tab in the side menu

  2. Click on the Search Scheduled UnitsUnit Details option in the side menu

  3. Click on the the Student Results option in the side menu

  4. Enter any combination of Unit Code, Unit Name, Unit Provider, Start Date, End Date (Paradigm requires needs at least one of these in order to search criteria)

  5. Click on the Search Scheduled Units button

  6. This will return a list of units that meet the searched criteria

  7. To filter the returned options start typing the name of the unit into the search box. The list of returned results will reduce to match the criteria.

  8. Click on the Actions button on the right hand side of the required unit

  9. Click on the Edit Class Assessment Results option

  10. Click on the tick icon next to the assessment to be updated. This will show a list containing the result for this assessment for each student.

  11. Enter the Raw Mark, Awarded Mark, Awarded Grade and Status for each student

  12. Click the Save ResultsResult button. To enter additional assessment results go back to step 10 and repeat for all assessments.

  13. To add details for an extension or penalty for a single student, click the pencil icon for that student. Scroll to the bottom of the screen, add the details as appropriate and click the Unit Extension or Save Result button as appropriate.

  14. To award a Unit Final Grade for the unit click on the Pencil pencil icon

  15. Click on the Calculate and Save Results From Assessments button to calculate final grades from the previously entered assessments.

  16. To release grades for view click the Publish Results  button. If final grades are being held for release all at the same time you want to delay the publishing of grades for release on a specific date, enter the release date into in the Grade Release Date field and Click box or click the calendar button to choose the release date, and then click the Publish Results button. This will hold all final grades until this date.

title3. How to Add Final Grades to Assessments via the Student Record

This enables you to update and save the results for each assessment for this single scheduled unit for this single student.

  1. Click on the Student tab in the side menu

  2. Click on the Search option in the side menu

  3. Enter one of the following options in to the relevant search box: Student Number, Student's Family name / Surname

  4. Click on the Search Student Button

  5. This will return a list of students that meet the searched criteria

  6. To filter the returned options in the search box above the returned results, start typing the students First / given name. This will reduce the number of results

  7. Click on the blue hyperlink on the left side of the required record

  8. The student's record/Summary page has now been loaded

  9. Click on the Course Enrolment option from the side menu

  10. Click on the Units option from the side menu

  11. For the chosen unit record, click on the Actions button at the right side of the row

  12. Click on the Assessments Assessment option in the Action menu

  13. Scroll to the Edit Assessment Assessments Results section.

  14. Enter the Raw mark, Awarded Mark, Awarded Grade and Status for each assessment. (These can be done one at a time as results become available or all at once)

  15. Click the Save Results buttonResult button.

  16. To add details for an extension or penalty for a single student, click the pencil icon for that student. Scroll to the bottom of the screen, add the details as appropriate and click the Unit Extension or Save Result button as appropriate.

This will save the individual assessment results but will not update the final grade. Once all of the assessments have been entered for this student, scroll up to the top of the page, click on the Edit Unit Results button and enter the final grade to award a final grade, as shown in the list of steps shown in section 1 above.

Further Reading

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel in ( "result" , "assessment" , "grade" , "grade-description" , "scheduled-unit" , "publish" , "calculate-and-save" )
