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Table 1. All field Overview

Field Name

Brief overview

Communication Request Sender

It will be sent from the email address that is recorded against the users profile.

Provider record is linked with the student’s course enrolment. Make sure you load the student’s course enrolment first, then you will see Provider option in the drop-down.

Communication Request Recipient

Who the email is going to

Communication name / Email Subject

The subject name / line of the email

Communication Date

Date sent. This date is recorded within the communication event as the sent date.

Communication Type

For Communication Events this is normally set to Email

Communication Status

This will tell you the status of the communication event:

  • Bounced - Receiving Server could not or would not accept the message. 

  • Cancelled - Communication Event Cancelled

  • Closed -

  • Email Opened - Recipient has opened the Message

  • Entered -

  • Failure Sending -

  • In-Progress -

  • Pending -

  • Referred -

  • Resolved -

  • Sent -

  • Unknown Party -

Course Enrolment

The Course of Study the student is enrolled in

Communication Template Message

This option will allow the user to select from pre-written email templates. These can be added to or updated once loaded into the HTML writer.

Communication Description / Email Body

This is where the template will be displayed once loaded. Alternatively this is where the user can write the body of the email to be sent.

Table 2. Merge Fields in Communication

Field Name

First Name


Course Id

Student Id



Please note: The Example below for sending bulk communication events with an attachment assumes that a default has been set up in the report builder and uses the CANs notice. It includes instructions for checking the census date for it. If you are sending other attachments ensure that the dates required for that type of attachments are correct e.g. Final grades, invoices etc.


title1. How to send Bulk Communications (With Attachments)

1. How to send Bulk Communications (With Attachments)

  1. Click on the Search button under Student tab as the first step, to ensure that any previously loaded record is cleared.

  2. Click on the System tab in the menu

  3. Click on the Edit Time Period option in the menu

  4. Click on Census Period from the drop down box for the time period type

  5. Click on the Search Time Periods button.

  6. Ensure the census date has been correctly recorded for the current period.

  7. Click on the Reports tab from the menu.

  8. Click on the Report Builder option from the menu

  9. Scroll to the Saved Report Descriptions section

  10. Click on the Global Reports drop box and select a suitable report that your institution has set up to generate a bulk student list if one has already been setup. Click on the Load Report button (Jump to Step 13).

  11. If a suitable report has not yet been setup, in the Base Report Descriptions section, select ‘Student Course Enrolment Details’ as the Base report and click on the Load Base Report button.

  12. In the Report Columns section, hold the Ctrl key to select multiple columns as required, ensuring that the key fields are included for the type of report you are trying to generate.

  13. Ensure that the Base Report Parameters are correctly set to cover the required unit enrolment start and end dates and enrolment status values to produce a list that contains the required students.

  14. Scroll down to the Format Report section. Click the Bulk Student Select radio button 

  15. Click the Produce Report button

  16. This will take some time to run, and will depend on the scope of the list being created. Please wait for the screen to refresh and reload with a list of the students returned by the report.

  17. Once the bulk list of students appears, click on the tick box for each student who is to receive the communication. You may choose to select all and then deselect specific students from the list, or you may choose to select only specific students from the list.

  18. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Add Selected to List button. This may take a few moments to store the list in memory. Please wait for the list to appear.

  19. Click on the Student tab from the menu.

  20. Click on the Communication Event option in the menu (or click on the Hat icon at the top left hand corner of the screen and then click on the Communication option)

  21. Enter the Communication Name, which will become the subject of the email, e.g. CAN - Semester 1 2018.

  22. Select the Communication Type, e.g. Email.

  23. Select a Communication Template Message for the body of the email

  24. Edit the Communication Description/Email Body field to add in any additional information or updates to the body of the message. You may choose to include options from Table 2 above (each wrapped inside curly braces eg. {email_first_name} {email_last_name} ), or add text that is to appear in the main body of your email.

  25. Set the Communication Status to Sent from the drop down menu.

  26. Click the Save New Communications for Loaded Students button.

  27. Click the Reports tab from the menu

  28. Click on the Letters option from the menu

  29. Scroll to the Commonwealth Assistance Notice report and click the Get Report button

  30. Check the parameters in the report section and click the Create Report for Communication Events button. This will take some time to complete, while each report is generated individually. The progress bar provides an indication of the rate of progress.

  31. Click on the Page icon to check the CAN notices are for the correct period and are attached for the correct person for a few of the records.

  32. Click on the tick boxes for the ones that are to be sent. 

  33. Click on the Email Selected Recipients with Attachments button. This will take time to complete.

  34. The emails have now been sent. 

  35. Check the status of the sent emails to verify whether any have not been successfully sent. These will need to be either resent or posted.

title2. How to send Bulk Communications (Without Attachments) using the Report Builder

2. How to send Bulk Communications (Without Attachments) using the Report Builder

  1. Click on the Search button under Student tab first to ensure any previously loaded record is cleared.

  2. Click on the System tab in the side menu

  3. Click on the Edit Time Period in the side menu

  4. Click on Census Period from the drop down box

  5. Click on Search Time Period button.

  6. Ensure the Census date is correct for the required period.

  7. Click on the Reports tab from the side menu.

  8. Click on the Report Builder option from the side menu

  9. Find the Saved Report Descriptions section

  10. Click on the Global reports drop box and select a suitable report that your institution has set up to generate a bulk student list if there is one already exists. Click on the Load Report button (Jump to Step 13).

  11. If not, select ‘Student Course Enrolment Details’ as the Base report, click on Load Base Report button.

  12. At Report Columns section, refer to the above table 1, hold Ctrl key for multiple select the required columns.

  13. Ensure that the Base Report Parameters cover the required units dates and enrolments status to produce the required students.

  14. Scroll down to the Format Report section. Click the Bulk Student Select radio button 

  15. Click the Produce Report button

  16. Once a bulk list of students created, click on the tick box against a list of required students to send communication to

  17. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Add Selected to List button

  18. The Bulk list of students has now been produced. 

  19. Click on the Student tab from the side menu.

  20. Click on the Communication Event option in the side menu (Or click on the Hat icon at the top left hand corner then select the Communication option 

  21. Enter the Communication Name, this becomes the subject of the email, e.g. CAN - Semester 1 2018.

  22. Select the Communication Type, e.g. Email.

  23. Select a Template Message for the body of the email or options to type in the main body of your email.

  24. Add in any additional information or updates to the body of the message.

  25. Set the Communication Status to Sent from the drop down menu.

  26. Click the Save New Communication for Loaded students button

  27. Click the tick boxes next to the students to send the communication event to (alternatively click the select all box)

  28. Click the Email Selected Recipients button.

  29. The Emails have now been sent. 

  30. Check the Statuses of the sent emails to check if any failed sending. These will need to be either resent or posted.
