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Field Name

Brief overview

Communication Request Sender

It will be sent from the email address that is recorded against the users profile.

Provider record is linked with the student’s course enrolment. Make sure you load the student’s course enrolment first, then you will see Provider option in the drop-down.

Communication Request Recipient

Who the email is going to

Communication name / Email Subject

The subject name / line of the email

Communication Date

Date sent. This date is recorded within the communication event as the sent date.

Communication Type

For Communication Events this is normally set to Email

Communication Status

This will tell you the status of the communication event:

  • Bounced - Receiving Server could not or would not accept the message. 

  • Cancelled - Communication Event Cancelled

  • Closed -

  • Email Opened - Recipient has opened the Message

  • Entered -

  • Failure Sending -

  • In-Progress -

  • Pending -

  • Referred -

  • Resolved -

  • Sent -

  • Unknown Party -

Course Enrolment

The Course of Study the student is enrolled in

Communication Template Message

This option will allow the user to select from pre-written email templates. These can be added to or updated once loaded into the HTML writer.

Communication Description / Email Body

This is where the template will be displayed once loaded. Alternatively this is where the user can write the body of the email to be sent.


title3. How to send Bulk Communications (Without Attachments) Alternative method

3. How to send Bulk Communications (Without Attachments) Alternative method

  1. Click on the Search button under Student tab first to ensure any previously loaded record is cleared.

  2. Click on the Student tab from the side menu

  3. Click on the Search Course option from the side menu.

  4. Click on the Course name drop box to select a single course.

  5. Select other options from the Course enrolment search box to filter down so it produces a list of required students.

  6. Click on the Search Course Enrolments button.

  7. Click the tick boxes  next to the students to send the communication event to (alternatively click the select all box)

  8. Scroll down to the bottom of the list and click on the Add Enrolments to List button.

  9. Click on the Communication option in the side menu (Or Click on the Hat icon at the top left hand corner then select the communication option.

  10. Find the Communication section, enter the Communication Name, this becomes the subject of the email, e.g. CAN - Semester 1 2018.

  11. Select the Communication type - Email.

  12. Select a Message template for the body of the email or type the main body of your email.

  13. Add in any additional information or updates to the body of the message.

  14. Set the Communication Status to Sent.

  15. Click the Save New Communication for Loaded Students button

  16. Click the tick boxes next to the students to send the communication event to (alternatively click the select all box)

  17. Click the Email Selected Recipients button.

  18. The Emails have now been sent. 

  19. Check the Statuses of the sent emails to check if any failed sending. These will need to be either resent or posted.

title4. How to search for sent emails within a student record

4. How to search for sent emails within a student record

  1. In the side menu click on the Student tab.

  2. Click on the Search option

  3. Enter one of the following options in to the relevant search box: Student Number, Student's Family Name / Surname

  4. Click on the Search Student Button

  5. This will return a list of students that meet the above criteria

  6. To further filter the search results, in the search box above the list of results, start typing the student's Given Name or Family Name.

  7. When you find the record you are looking for, click on the Student No field, highlighted as a blue link at the left side of the row.

  8. The Summary page of the student's record is now shown.

  9. Click on the Communication Event option in the side menu.

  10. Scroll down and locate the sent email and click the pencil icon.

  11. The email has now been loaded.
