Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Contained within each email sent with the communication module is a one pixel tracker. This is a one a 1x1 pixel that is hidden within the body of the email that allows the email client to track the email. It can determine if the email has bounced, been delivered, has been opened and read , and if any attachments have been clicked into. This can be particularly useful when students are questioning if an important email/communication was sent to them and if they received it.


Field Name

Brief overview

Communication Request Sender

It will be sent from the email address that is recorded against the users profile.

Provider record is linked with the student’s course enrolment. Make sure you load the student’s course enrolment first, then you will see Provider option in the drop-down.

Communication Request Recipient

Who the email is going to

Communication name / Email Subject

The subject name / line of the email

Communication Date

Date sent. This date is recorded within the communication event as the sent date.

Communication Type

For Communication Events this is normally set to Email

Communication Status

This will tell you the status of the communication event:

  • Bounced - Receiving Server could not or would not accept the message. 

  • Cancelled - Communication Event Cancelled

  • Closed -

  • Email Opened - Recipient has opened the Message

  • Entered -

  • Failure Sending -

  • In-Progress -

  • Pending -

  • Referred -

  • Resolved -

  • Sent -

  • Unknown Party -

Course Enrolment

The Course of Study the student is enrolled in

Communication Template Message

This option will allow the user to select from pre-written email templates. These can be added to or updated once loaded into the HTML writer.

Communication Description / Email Body

This is where the template will be displayed once loaded. Alternatively this is where the user can write the body of the email to be sent.

Table 2. Merge Fields in Communication

Merge Fields Within Communication


Field Name

First Name


Course Id

Student Id


Brief Overview


This is the email address of the sender


This is the first name of sender (blank if the sender is a provider)


This is the last name of sender (blank if the sender is a provider)


This is a 1 pixel image that, when added to an email, will upon opening of the email by the receiver will mark the email as open within the system


Student / Receiver's first name


Student / Receiver's last name


Student’s number issued by provider


The communication event/email subject



Please note: The Example below for sending bulk communication events with an attachment assumes that a default has been set up in the report builder and uses the CANs notice. It includes instructions for checking the census date for it. If you are sending other attachments ensure that the dates required for that type of attachments are correct e.g. Final grades, invoices etc.
