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Table of Contents



  • The User has the minimum required level to access the Accounting tab and an understanding that making changes within this section have wider implications . (Please note: The Accounting Section of the system is only accessible by Flex Admin, Full Admin and Accounting Level Access. The Edit Fees Button is only available at these levels).
  • The user has an understanding of the Australian Tertiary Education System.
  • The User has an understanding of Fee-Help / HECS-HELP
  • The User has a basic understanding of Accounting principles . (Payments, Invoices, Offset of payments, Line items).

Key terms and concepts

Within the Summary section of this page from the Action menu the user can:


  • Add New Payments
  • Edit Payments
  • Print Payment Receipts
  • Email (Receipts) with Communication Event
  • Email (Receipts)

Invoice TypesDescription
Tuition item InvoiceTuition items are Units of Study or Full Courses.
General Invoice / Non_tuition Item Invoice

Some examples of General Invoices or non tuition items: Transcripts, Replacement AHEGS, Replacement Parchments, Text Books, Course materials, Student Id Card, Enrolment Fee, Application Fee, Administration Fee, Re-assessment Fee, Late Payment Fee, Accommodation, Overseas Health Cover, Airport transfer.

Only Non-Tuition items are to be added to these Invoices and should not be combined with Tuition invoices.


Please note: The units fees are the sum of Scholarship+Funding+Upfront.
