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The Student Course Enrolment menu in Paradigm allows you to configure student course enrolment records in your business or institution. This knowledge article will give you an overview of this feature and all its sub-menus. Read the description of each sub-menu, or you can just choose from the list of sub-menus (workflows) below relating to your concern with course enrolment.


titleCourse Enrolment Mandatory Fields

titlemandatory info
Course Enrolment Mandatory Fields

Required Fields

System Required

Enrolment Status Id


Fee Type


Funding Type


Home Institution Party Id


Start Date


Expected End Date


Contact Mode


Contact Hours


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titleCommonly Used Course Enrolment Statuses with Descriptions and their TCSI Reporting Values

titleTCSI reporting
Commonly Used Course Enrolment Statuses with Descriptions and their TCSI Reporting Values

Each institution defines its own enrolment statuses within the system, but many are common across the sector. These are the most common ones used.


For a Course Enrolment Status of (4 value -TCSI E599) in which case, using the Deferred or Leave of Absence statuses in the list below, it is assumed that before you set the status to these two (Deferred or Leave of Absence), all unit enrolments are already reported to TCSI with valid statuses.

If the student will go back to study (in the future), start with editing the Course Enrolment Record (Status, Expected End Date, Leave End Date, other required fields).

Course Enrolment Status Fields

Brief Overview

TCSI / HEIMS Reporting value



The student has submitted an application for this course of Study, it has not yet been approved or declined.


This Course / unit of study is being taken as Audit. Audit is where the student listens / attends the lectures but do not submit any assessments. This is NOT for credit.

Cancelled or Enrolment Cancelled

A student’s course outcome is to be coded as “enrolment cancelled” where the Provider has withdrawn the student from the course due to the student’s lack of progress or other academic or disciplinary reasons.



The Student has successfully met all of the Unit of study / Course requirements and has achieved a passing grade thereby completing.

A student’s course outcome is to be coded as “completed” when the Provider has determined that the student has met all the requirements of the course in which the student is currently enrolled.



The Student has enrolled themselves into the unit of study via the Course plan

Credited / RPL

This unit of Study has been granted Recognition of Prior Learning or Credit for previous studies


The Student is delaying the commencement of this course of study or taking an approved leave of absence.

A student’s course outcome is to be coded as “approved leave” where the Provider has approved a leave of absence for the student after the student has commenced the course.



This record / Course / unit has been ‘soft’ deleted and hidden within the system.


This Course / unit of Study record is currently being studied.



This Unit of Study is required for this course of study but the student will not be required to complete it due to either being granted Recognition of Prior learning / Credit transfer or has been allowed to complete an alternative unit.


The Student has not completed the required assessments / gain a high enough assessment score(s) and has thereby failed this unit of study.



The Student has not been able to complete the unit of study in the normal enrolment period and has been granted an additional prescribed amount of time to try and complete the unit. This incomplete has been granted due to extenuating circumstances (Medical, Personal / or other reason)

Leave of Absence

The Student is taking an approved break / leave from study for an aggregated amount of time.

A student’s course outcome is to be coded as “approved leave” where the Provider has approved a leave of absence for the student after the student has commenced the course.



The Student has been offered entry into this course of Study and the institution is awaiting the students response by the cut off date.

Transfer Credit

These units within this Course of Study were originally taken within a different course. the Student has changed Courses and these units ( and Subsequent credit) have been transferred to the new Course.


The Student has transferred to another Course of Study and the Units / Credit point may or may not (either in full or in part) have been transferred.

A student’s course outcome is to be coded as “completed but continuing a related course” where the student has completed the requirements of the course but will be continuing in a related course for which they will receive full credit recognition for the first course. This includes nested awards where a completion is reported for a lower or component award but the student will continue study. For example, a student completing a nested Graduate Certificate who is continuing with a Graduate Diploma or a student who is awarded a single degree (e.g. BA) but is continuing their enrolment in a related combined degree (e.g. BA/LLB).

A student’s course outcome is to be coded as “transfer to complete a related course” where the student is not continuing study in the course or a related course with the provider but will be have a completion recorded (without further study) for the related course. This includes students receiving an exit award at the same or lower level.

A student’s course outcome is to be coded as “transfer to continue a related course” where the student is not continuing study in the course but is transferring to a related course that will require further study to meet the requirements of that second course. For example, a student who transfers from a combined degree to a related single degree but has yet to complete the single degree, or a student transferring from a bachelor pass to a bachelor honours degree but did not separately complete the pass degree.





The Student has decided to not complete the course of study or has been inactive for an extended period of time.

A student’s course outcome is to be coded as “withdrawn” where the student has formally notified the provider that they are discontinuing study in the course and they are not transferring to, or completing, a related course with the provider


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