Versions Compared


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This article outlines the expected set of tasks workflow steps that should be completed by each provider upon entering TCSI Read-Only mode. This advice is given in a generic sense on the expectation that each provider will have their own unique operational needs that may require additional work prior to entering TCSI Write Mode.



The primary purpose of TCSI Read-Only mode is to validate that the PRODA device key is registered and working correctly, and to retrieve the UID’s UIDs generated by the government Government and assign them those UIDs to records historically that were previously reported via HEPCAT.

Workflow Steps




In the TCSI B2G specification every student UID submitted will be assigned a CHESSN number, so you will no longer require need to get a CHESSN number for your students. This means our existing real time CHESSN allocation button will not no longer work as expected once you are in move into Safe Mode.


Be Advised

Due to the high number of anomalies commonly found in unit enrolment data, Silverband will not be bulk assigning UID UIDs to unit enrolment data records.



The Department of Education is not accepting pre-2020 data submitted via TCSI. This means providers must fully report out all of their 2019 (or earlier) data via HEPCAT prior to the cut-off date currently set at 31st May 3019. This data must be reported before that provider can enter Write-Only mode. Revisions to 2019 data are to be made via the TCSI portal.


  • Complete entering data for courses these . This will need to be completed before you can enter in course push course admission records.

  • Completed Complete the setup tasks out including for campus records these . This will need to entered before you can enter courses on for campus records and they are not getting the data will not be imported from HEIMS.

  • Complete the setup tasks for courses on campus these . This will need to be completed before you will able to push unit enrolment records.

  • Course Completions are not being migrated from HEIMS so they will need to be completed in HEPCAT. Additionally verification needs to be completed so we that you do not have to ensure the correct data matching of all 2019 unit enrolments.

  • Revisions to of unit enrolments with a census date before 101/101/2020 will need to be done using the TCSI Data Entry tool (formally formerly the portal method).

Data matching



Records that cannot safely be matched will need intervention by a user a person who has a sufficient permission level to manually assign the relevant UID.


  • Courses Of Study Group

  • Courses Group

    • Course fields of education

    • Special interest course extension

  • Students Group

    • Disability Extension

    • Citizenship extension

    • Scholarship Extension

  • Course Admissions Group

    • Basis for admission extension

    • Course prior credit extension

    • Specialisation extension

    • scholarship Scholarship extension

    • RTP stipend

    • amount Amount extension



Conversion From HEIMS to TCSI

The following points outline a series of updates that will need to be applied to convert historical data to a format that is ready and appropriate for submission via TCSI.


  • Courses Of Study Group

    • Match UID3

  • Courses Group

    • Match UID5

    • Update field E596 from TCSI where values the value is null in Paradigm

    • Update field E609 from TCSI where values the value is null in Paradigm

    • Update field E610 from TCSI where values the value is null in Paradigm

    • Course fields of education

      • Import all sub-packets

    • Special interest course extension

      • Import all sub-packets

  • Students Group

    • Match UID8

    • Update field E572 from TCSI where values the value is null in Paradigm

    • Update field E573 from TCSI where values the value is null in Paradigm

    • Update field E574 from TCSI where values the value is null in Paradigm

    • Update field E612 from TCSI where values the value is null in Paradigm

    • Disability Extension

      • Import all sub-packets

    • Citizenship extension

      • Import all sub-packets

    • Scholarship Extension

      • Import all sub-packets

  • Course Admissions Group

    • Match UID15

    • Update field E620 from TCSI where values are the value is null in Paradigm

    • Basis for admission extension

      • Import all sub-packets

    • Course prior credit extension

      • Import all sub-packets

    • Specialisation extension

      • Import all sub-packets

    • Scholarship extension

      • Import all sub-packets

    • RTP stipend amount extension

      • Import all sub-packets

Prepare the Campus



Before you can start pushing TCSI data for internal logic, Paradigm needs to have the a complete campus file record associated with each base course that is to be reported. The campus record may be edited from within the user interface in a similar way to the fields formerly used to complete the now redundant HEIMS CM file fields.

Prepare the Provider



The provider record associated with the base course that is to be submitted via TCSI must be updated as outline belowfollows:

Assigned Assign the following roles

  • HEIMS Education Provider (only applies to the provider that has the PRODA Account)

  • Training Organisation (only applies to the provider that has the PRODA Account)

  • Education Program Provider and/or Education Unit Provider


Field values

  • The provider record must also be set to activeas Active.

  • The primary provider account that maps to PRODA must also have TCSI Reporting Parent Provider entered as itself.


TCSI Data Requirement

Before you can enter in any course enrolments and unit enrolments, you need to make sure all the campus/provider records that will be submitting courses and units have the following required fields :

Further Reading

It is We highly recommended that all users doing who will be performing data entry read the following documents so that they understand gain a strong understanding of the elements that are required to be reported.
