Versions Compared


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Table of ContentsmaxLevel1


Upon reading this article you will have an understanding of the unit components and complexities involved in creating a Course Outline, including:

  • adding core, elective, prerequisite, co-requisite and disallowed units to a course outline, and
  • adding substitute rules to a course outline.

A Course Outline can contain all possible units that are permitted for inclusion in the course. Once a Course Outline has been created, Unit Enrolments can be created by the student or by Administration Staff.


The Course Outline page is intended to be completed by Administration Staff, adding all possible core, elective, prerequisite, co-requisite, and disallowed units, substitute rules and constraints for a particular course. The details included in the Course Outline are used as the basis for defining the Course Plan for a student. The Course Plan can be defined for or by a student, or by Administration Staff.

Course Units Colour Legend
Student has completed this unit
BlueStudent is currently enrolled in this unit
OrangeUnit not available because prerequisites have not been met
White (with tick box)Unit can be selected for enrolment
White (without tick box)Unit has been scheduled, student meets prerequisites, but the enrolment period has not yet opened
GreyUnit is not scheduled for the next enrolment period

Course plan for enrolment allows staff of various levels to enrol students in to units or will allow students enrol themselves into units


  • The scope and structure of the course including the units required to complete the course 
  • Units pre-requisites, co-requisites, core units, electives, substitute units, previous versions of units, 
  • Accreditation changes, 
  • Majors and Minors available within the Course structure
  • Planned unit schedules

Field NameBrief Overview
Program Constraints IDInternal System ID given to the course rule. Each constraint will have its own unique code
Course IDCourse ID given to the course
Unit IDInternal Organisational code assigned to each unit
Unit NameMainly for the usability. Does not display from the user interface on the course plan
Constraint TypesCore Unit, Elective Unit,Prerequisite Unit, Study Area (Minor), Major, Minor, Study Specialisation (Major), Program Prerequisites, Unit program prerequistes, Program Unit Not required, Application Unit, Corerequisite Unit, Disallowed Unit, Substitute Unit, Allow multiple schedule Units, Component Program, Competency Unit, Required Unit Count , Transfer Program
Display CodeDisplay code indicates where in grid that this unit will appear. The letters A-E are columns across and 1-25 are the rows down. These in combination will indicate the exact grid position Ex: B3,D5,A1
DescriptionText that will appear at the beginning of the row to describe this section of the grid

Each rules will require its own line within the rules table, e.g.if a unit has 3 prerequisites the unit will have 4 lines within the rules table (one for the original unit to be placed into the course plan and one for each prerequisite unit)


  1. Click on the Course tab within the side menu
  2. Click on the Search option in the side menu
  3. Enter the Course Id or Course name into the search fields
  4. For a current course ensure the Course Status is Active, for a non current course change the Course status to Archived
  5. Click on the Search Course button
  6. This will return a list of students that meet the searched criteria
  7. To filter the returned options in this box  above the returned results start typing the Course name. This will reduce the number of results. 
  8. Click on the blue hyper link on the left side of the required record.
  9. The Course record has now been loaded. 
  10. Click on the Outline button in the side menu
  11. Scroll half way down the page and click on the Add Constraint button.
  12. To Search for the unit to be added by either Unit code or Unit name into the Unit Search section
  13. Click on the Search Unit  button
  14. . The list of units will appear below the constraints table.
  15. To add the unit click the add unit icon  next to the unit name. The internal system id code will appear in the details box below.
  16. Select the constraint type from the drop down menu- Core Unit, Elective etc
  17. Add a display code - e.g. D2
  18. Add description - e.g. Core Units, Semester 1, Electives. This is what will appear at the beginning of the grid placement line 
  19. Click on the save Outline Constraints  button


To add another unit, click on the Add Constraint button to clear the details previously entered.


  1. Click on the System tab on the side menu
  2. Click on the Edit Form Labels option in the side menu
  3. In the box labelled Label id enter plan
  4. Click on the Search Labelsbutton. This will return a label matching your search criteria
  5. Select the Course plan label to be edited by clicking on the blue link next to it
  6. Click on the label ID and change the Label text as required. e.g. student_Course_plan_tableY or student_course_plan_tableZ
  7. Click on the  Save Label  button


Further reading

How to enrol in units via the Course Plan
