Versions Compared


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This page outlines the unit components and complexities involved in creating a Course Outline, including:

  • Adding core, elective, First to set up core and elective units for a course. and

  • Adding prerequisite, co-requisite and disallowed units to a course outline, and

  • Adding substitute rules to a course outline.

A Course Outline can contain all possible units that are permitted for inclusion in the course. Once a Course Outline has been created, Unit Enrolments can be created by the student or by Administration Staffadministration staff.




  • The student record has already been created.

  • You have an access level that allows you to create or edit student records.

  • You have an understanding of the Australian Tertiary Education System / VET Sector and the terms commonly used.

  • You have an understanding of the different course types within the Paradigm system.

  • You have an understanding of course components that may be:

    • core units, 

    • elective units,

    • prerequisite units,

    • co-requisite units,

    • disallowed units,

    • substitute rulesunit, and

    • constraints.other more constraint types

  • You have an understanding of the dependencies of those to meet the accreditation requirements of the course.

  • The Course Plan has already been set up for this course.

  • Time Periods have been updated, allowing access to the Active Units within the Course Plan.

  • Units / Subjects have already been scheduled for the next study period.


The Course Outline page is intended to be completed by Administration Staff, adding all possible core, elective, prerequisite, co-requisite, and disallowed units, substitute rules and constraints for a particular course. The details included in the Course Outline are used as the basis for defining the Course Plan for a student. The Course Plan can be defined for or by a student, or by Administration Staffadministration staff.

Course Units Colour Legend




Student has completed this unit


Student is currently enrolled in this unit


Unit not available because prerequisites have not been met

White (with tick box)

Unit can be selected for enrolment

White (without tick box)

Unit has been scheduled, student meets prerequisites, but the enrolment period has not yet opened


Unit is not scheduled for the next enrolment period


Each rules will require its own line within the rules table, e.g.if a unit has 3 prerequisites the unit will have 4 lines within the rules table (one for the original unit to be placed into the course plan and one for each prerequisite unit)

Standard Constraint Types



It is highly recommended that you would set up a list of Core and Elective Units prior to further define their constraint relationships.

Constraint type options


Core Unit

Your institution defines the core units to study this course, often is compulsory to study within the major or program

Elective Unit

Your institution defines the a list of electives units options as part of the major

Prerequisite Unit

Some units of study have a prerequisite. This is a requirement that needs to be completed before you are able to take the unit.

Core requisite Unit

Some units of study require you to undertake another specific unit of study at the same time.


Your institution defines what are the unit components to make up the structure of that Major


Your institution defines what are the unit components to make up the structure of that Minor

Disallowed Unit

Your institution defines if you already done a particular unit, you will be not allowed to enrol in the other one

Substitute Unit

Your institution defines a substitute unit to replace a historical unit

Specialised Constraint Types

Constraint type options


Optional Prerequisite Unit

There might be more than one Prerequisite unit to choose from

Cross course Prerequisite Unit

Set up Prerequisite units, for students who enrolled in to two courses

Transfer credit Unit

This is a function for bulk auto transfer course credits (If you want to select this option, please raise a ticket in Jira)

Program Prerequisite

This is a function at the course level. one course is a prerequisite for the other

Unit Program Prerequisite

The student will not be able to study this course until they finishes the units outlined by the institution

Application Unit

For Applicant portal, allow Applicant to enrol in to units for their auditions and interviews

Block Mode

A special intensive enrolment status

Component Program

A special child and parent relationships between some courses

Transfer Program

An approach to bulk transfer courses (If you want to select this option, please raise a ticket in Jira)

Required Unit Course Count

Students have to complete a list of required units in order to take the next course


  It is suggested that only higher level staff enrol students in this manner.
