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  • This line was added.
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This page outlines the unit components and complexities involved in creating a Course Outline, including:





Student has previously completed this unit


Student is currently enrolled in this unit


Unit is not available because prerequisites have not been met

White (with tick box)

Unit can be selected for enrolment

White (without tick box)

Unit has been scheduled, student meets prerequisites, but the enrolment period has not yet opened. Note: Staff member needs to double check the configuration time period called ‘Unit_enrolment’


Unit is not scheduled for the next enrolment period


title1. How to Add core and elective units to a course plan

Please note: If you add more columns to the grid, it will be harder to view the course outline grid on mobile devices


Please note: A constraint can only be added to the course plan once. For example, if it has been added as a Core Unit, you cannot also add it as an Elective Unit. Only the first constraint will appear in the course plan.

  1. Click on the Course tab within the side menu

  2. Click on the Search option in the side menu

  3. Enter the Course Id or Course name into the search fields

  4. For a current course ensure the Course Status is Active, for a non current course change the Course status to Archived

  5. Click on the Search Course button

  6. This will return a list of students courses that meet the searched criteria

  7. To filter the returned options in this box above the returned results start typing the Course name. This will reduce the number of results. 

  8. Click on the blue hyper link on the left side of the required record.

  9. The Course record has now been loaded. 

  10. Click on the Outline button in the side menu

  11. Scroll half way down the page and click on the Add Constraint button.

  12. To Search for the unit to be added by either Unit code or Unit name into the Unit Search section

  13. Click on the Search Unit button

  14. . The list of units will appear below the constraints table.

  15. To add the unit click the add unit icon next to the unit name. The internal system id code will appear in the details box below.

  16. Select the constraint type from the drop down menu- Core Unit, Elective etc

  17. Add a display code - e.g. D2

  18. Add description - e.g. Core Units, Semester 1, Electives. This is the heading name appears at that will appear for the first column of the grid placement line 

  19. Click on Save Outline Constraints button

To add another unit, click on the Add Constraint button to clear the details previously entered.

Add all the units first, prior to set setting up any Prepre-requites, Coor co-requisites rules, as it will make the process easier to follow.

title2. How to Add Pre-requisites, Co-requisites, Disallowed and Substitute rules to a course outline

Be advised

It might be useful to have a test student within the system who can be enrolled into the new course to visualise the course plan as it is built.

  1. Locate the Unit that the constraint is tied to and click on Add As a unit Unit icon on the right hand side.

  2. Locate the constraining unit (pre-requisite, co-requisite, etc.) and click on the add constraint Icon on the right hand side.

  3. Select the Constraint type from the drop down menu

  4. Click on Save Outline Constraint button

To add more constraints to the Course plan edit table, click on add constraint button to clear the details previously entered.
