It is recommended to use table for convenience when it is appropriate.
Report Name | Brief Overview |
Campus File (CM) | The Campus file lists the Courses on offer for the next calendar year and each location that is to be delivered at. |
Course File (CO) | The Course file lists all of the Courses on offer for the next calendar year |
Enrolment File (EN) | The Enrolment for list all of the students and the Courses they are enrolled into for a particular census date(s) |
Student Load / Load Liability File (LL) | The Load Liability file lists all of the units that the Student is being charged for for a particular census date(s) |
Commonwealth Assisted Student File (DU) | The Commonwealth Assisted Student file contains the personal information about the students that are being reported on |
Past Course Completion File (PS) | The Past Course Completions file list all of the Courses of study that Student have completed during the previous year |
Unit of Study Completion File (CU) | The Unit of Study completions file lists the final outcome for all units taken in the previous year. Including Passes, fails, withdrawn and incomplete |
HEIMS TFN look up File (TL) | The HEIMS TFN look up file enables providers to check the TFN and personal information for new students and ensures their details can be |
matched with data held by the ATO |
1 How to load options within the HEIMS reports
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