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Table of Contents


Invoice TypesDescription
Tuition item InvoiceTuition items are Units of Study or Full Courses.
General Invoice / Non_tuition Item Invoice

Some examples of General Invoices or non tuition items: Transcripts, Replacement AHEGS, Replacement Parchments, Text Books, Course materials, Student Id Card, Enrolment Fee, Application Fee, Administration Fee, Re-assessment Fee, Late Payment Fee, Accommodation, Overseas Health Cover, Airport transfer.

Only Non-Tuition items are to be added to these Invoices and should not be combined with Tuition invoices.


When Please note: The units fees are the sum of Scholarship+Funding+Upfront.


  1. Click on the Accounting Tab in the Side Menu
  2. Click on the search option in the side menu
  3. Enter one of the following options in to the relevant search box: Student Number, Student's Family name / Surname
  4. Click on the Search Student Button
  5. This will return a list of students that meet the searched criteria
  6. To reduce the returned options in this box  above the returned results start typing the students First / given name. This will reduce the number of results. 
  7. Click on the blue hyper link on the left side of the required record.
  8. The student's record has now been loaded.
  9. Scroll down to the Student Payments list
  10. Click on the Action button next to the Receipt to be printed, the Action menu will open
  11. Click on the Email with Communication Event option
  12. Scroll down to the Communication Section
  13. Scroll down to the Communication Template message and select the required template
  14. Enter any required information into the body of the email
  15. Click on the Save Communication and Send With Attachments Button
  16. An email with the attachment has now been sent and a copy of both is saved into the Communication Event record

 Further reading

Accounting - Search
