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Upon completion of this KB the user Once you have read this article you will be able to obtain and verify a students USI.

For Senior Administrators - How to renew  the AusKey certificate



student's USI (Unique Student Identifier).

The External resources section below, contains a reference to an external website, on how to renew the AUSkey certificate.



The pages, fields and buttons that you can see, and the items you can edit, are based on:

  • how the Paradigm system is configured for your institution, and
  • the options that are made available by your institution, and
  • the access level assigned to you by the "nominated contact person" or other Paradigm expert, according to your permission needs.

For more information please contact your "nominated contact person" or other Paradigm expert.

  • The student record has already been created.An understanding of Australian Tertiary Sector / VET Sector, and this article describes how you can change the login details and security levels assigned to that record.
  • You have an access level that allows you to create or edit student records.
  • You have an understanding of the Australian Tertiary Education System / VET Sector and the terms commonly used

  • Paradigm has been connected via API to the Governments Government's USI databaseThe User has

You have been provided with the required


identification /


certificates for the student to


sufficiently identify them, using these documents / cards:

    • Australian Birth Certificate
  •     *
    • Certificate of Registration by Descent
  •     *
    • Australian Citizenship Certificate
  •     * Australian Drivers
    • Australian Driver's Licence
  •     *
    • Medicare
  • Care
    • Card
  •     *
    • Australian
  • Passsport
    • Passport
  •     *
    • Visa (with non-Australian Passport)
  •     *
    • ImmiCard
  • For

titleAuskey Renewal


The Device Custodian (as nominated by your RTO)


requires a Username and Login for the ABR


AUSkey Manager.

Key terms and concepts

Field Name
Brief Overview
USIThe USI (Unique Student Identifier) is required for all VET level students receiving nationally recognised training to comply with Government reporting requirements. The USI is an initiative of the Australian Government to ensure that students are able to access their student records even if providers cease to trade. As of 22 May 2017
, students can use their USI to obtain a transcripts of their units of study. The USI transcript currently holds data for units of study from 2015 to now.

Is the


authentication connection between Paradigm and the USI Registry System.

AusKeys have an expiration data for

  • If you forget the Device AUSkey password, you will have to register for a new Device AUSkey.
  • If your SBR-enabled software or server does not support automatic renewal, your Device AUSkey will expire two years after its creation. An Error "Creator of this fault did not supply a reason" may present if the
  • AUSkey has either expired or is about to expire. The RTO's
AusKey Administrator needs to obtain
  • AUSkey Administrator must request a new Device
  • AUSkey to replace the
old one
  • expired or expiring AUSkey.


  • Once a student has been issued with a USI, it remains with them for life, and the same USI can never be issued to any other person.
  • If a Student student provides a USI, it will still need to must be verified as genuine and complete.


How to Obtain a USI

  1. Load the student's record or click here for more information.
  2. Click the Student details option on the Side menu
  3. Click  the USI Edit option on the Side Menu
  4. Check the pre-completed details from the students record
  5. Select the Document type being on the Student Details option in the side menu.
  6. Move down the side menu and click the USI Edit option and check the details of the student record.
  7. Provide any of the absent details in the UNIQUE STUDENT IDENTIFIER REQUEST section.
  8. Move to the Document Type section at the bottom of the page and choose the Document Type that will be used to verify the student's identity.
  9. Choosing each Document Type replaces a new section beneath the Document Type section, showing different details to complete. Enter the addition requested information required to verify the document type you are using.
  10. Click the Save USI detail buttonClick Details button Image Added, to save the details you have provided for this document type.
  11. Move to the top section of the page and click the Request USI Button button Image Added.
  12. The Students USI for this student has now been allocated / received.
  13. Click on the Edit details Details option on the side menuClick on the date picker next to the USI Verified date to select the date of verification.
  14. Move to the Student Details section at the top of the page
  15. On the right side of the page, and on the right side of the USI Verified Date field, Image Addedclick the calendar icon Image Added
  16. Choose the date of verification for the USI.
  17. Click the SAVE STUDENT button Image Addedat the bottom of the STUDENT DETAILS section.

How to Obtain an



titleAdministrator AusKey

These instructions assume that your institution already has an Administrator



If your SBR-enabled software or server does not support automatic renewal, your Device AUSkey will expire two years after its creation. An Error "Creator of this fault did not supply a reason" may present if the AUSkey has either expired or is about to expire. The RTO's AUSkey Administrator must request a new Device AUSkey to replace the expired or expiring AUSkey.

These instructions refer to the content of pages that are maintained by external organisations. These instructions were last updated on March 01, 2018.

  1. Click on this link to go open to the Australian Business Register to website and start the AusKey AUSkey Process
  2. Click on the My Business menu on the left hand side
  3. Click on the Register for Device Auskey option
  4. Enter a Device name Australian Business Register - Managing AUSkeys
  5. Register for a Device AUSkey.
  6. Type in the device name or server name where the Device AUSkey will be installed e.g. then click on the next button.
  7. Check that the Business business details are correct for your Institutioninstitution.
  8. Read the Declaration declaration and click the Submit button.
  9. You (or the Institution's AusKey AUSkey Custodian) will receive an email - Action required -Download and install your Device AusKeyAUSkey.
  10. Click on the link in the email to down load download the AusKeyAUSkey
  11. This will open a web page on the ABR website. A Java Applet will be launched, so please ensure that popups have been are allowed for this page if asked by your browser
  12. Within the Applet applet a heading of Install Auskey AUSkey will appear and a prompt you will be asked to enter a Captcha captcha code. Enter the required code and click nextCheck the Business Type in the characters you see and click the Next button.
  13. Check that the business details are correct for your institution for a second time.
  14. Read the Declaration declaration and click the Submit Button  button for a second time.
  15. Within the next screen an option of Select install location Install Location for your Auskey AUSkey will appear. Select the Choose the location The Location option and then Click click Browse...
  16. Choose a the folder on your computer where you want to save the keystore.xml file and click the Next button.
  17. Enter a password of your choice (twice) then click next, and type it a second time to confirm it, then click the Next button
  18. Ensure the password is stored in a secure manner for later reference (and later sending to the Silverband help desk for installation) .
  19. A An Installing AUSkey popup dialogue box will appear of Installing Auskey. Once completed a , and when installation completes, a new message will appear of - that Your Auskey AUSkey has been installed Successfullysuccessfully.
  20. Send an email to the Silverband help desk containing both the Password and Keystore.xml file. 
  21. Once we have received and installed this receive and install these on your system, your system is ready and linked to the USI system system.

How to Renew


an AUSkey

titleAdministrator AusKey

These instructions assume that your institution already has an Administrator AUSkey.

If your SBR-enabled software or server does not support automatic renewal, your Device AUSkey will expire two years after its creation. An Error "Creator of this fault did not supply a reason" may present if the AUSkey has either expired or is about to expire. The RTO's AUSkey Administrator must request a new Device AUSkey to replace the expired or expiring AUSkey.

These instructions refer to the content of pages that are maintained by external organisations. These instructions were last updated on March 01, 2018.

The process to renew an AUSkey is identical to that for obtaining a new AUSkey. If an AUSkey does not automatically renew before it expires, you have to apply for a new AUSkey, using the steps in the How to Obtain an AUSkey section above.

Further reading

Add New



Edit Student Detailshttps://

External resources /training-organisations/device-auskey-certificate-renewal- Auskey Certificate Renewal

Australian Business Register - Managing AusKeys