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Table of Contents


Upon Completion of this KB the user will have an understanding of what sections are available within the Contacts tab.


  • The User has the minimum required level to access the Contacts tab
  • The User has the permission / authority of the Institution to grant access to users / to use Paradigm

Please note: Depending on the individual users levels of access not all pages will be available or editable. If you have Full Admin level access and the pages still isn't visible it maybe either not being used at your institution or have been hidden. For more information contact the Silverband help desk.

Contacts / Users are staff or associates of the institution not students.


  1. Click on the Contact tab within the side menu
  2. Select the option from the side menu below the Contacts tab
  3. The Page has now been loaded.

Further reading

Security levels / System access options within Paradigm.

Password Policy.

System access protocols for your institution. 
