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How to Add a Contact / Users Contact information

  1. Click on on Contact tab  tab in the side menu, 
  2. Click on on Search in  in the Side Menu
  3. Enter any combination of Given name, Surname, Home Institution, Status, Contact role (Paradigm requires at least one search criteria).at least one of the following options in to the relevant search box: 
    • Given Name 
    • Surname
    • Home Institution
    • Status
    • Contact Role 
  4. Click on the Search ContactImage Added button
  5. To filter the list of contacts, in the search box Image Added above the list of contacts, start typing the contacts's first or given name. 
  6. This will return a list of contacts that meet the searched criteria
  7. To reduce the returned options start typing the name of the unit into this box  The returned results will reduce to match the criteria.
  8. Click on the blue hyper link on the left side of the required recordWhen you see the record for the contact you are looking for, click on the contact role for that contact, highlighted in blue in the left column of that row.
  9. Click on the Edit Contact info option in the Side side Menu
  10. Click the Add (address type) Image Addedto be created. If no address types have been added it is recommended that the Semester / Term / Current Address be created first, followed by the Permanent / Billing address.
  11. Enter the required information to the address fields
  12. Click on the Save Contact details Button.

How to Add a Contact / Users Contact information

  1. Click on Contact tab in the side menu, 
  2. Click on Search in the Side Menu
  3. Enter any combination of Given name, Surname, Home Institution, Status, Contact role (Paradigm requires at least one search criteria)
  4. This will return a list of contacts that meet the searched criteria
  5. To reduce the returned options start typing the name of the unit into this box Image Removed The returned results will reduce to match the criteria.
  6. Click on the blue hyper link on the left side of the required record.
  7. Click on the Edit Contact info option in the Side Menu
  8. Click on the address type to be edited ( Billing Address, Residential Address, Emergency contact address, Employer address)
  9. Edit the data to be updated
  10. Click on the Save Contact details buttonPerson Contact DetailsImage Added button.

Further reading

How to Create a Contact / User Record
