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Table of Contents


The article teaches how to sort columns on the Accounting summary page , print an invoice for a student,create an enrolment invoice, create a general invoice for a student, cancel an invoice and edit an 'Amount Paid' field for scholarships when the unit has been invoiced and not yet paid

Completing this article will provide competency in the following tasks:

  • Navigation of the Accounting tab menu
  • Sort columns on the Accounting summary page
  • Cancel an Invoice
  • Print an invoice
  • Create an enrolment invoice
  • Create a General Invoice
  • Edit an 'Amount Paid' field for scholarships when the unit has been invoiced and not yet paid.


  • The Student has already been accepted into a Course and has been enrolled into units
  • The Student has invoices created against their record
  • The user has basic understanding of the Accounting concepts

Key terms and concepts

Please note that the course enrolment data shows the sum of all the unit fees, scholarships, funding, upfront, paid and owing.


Please make sure to set the invoice to process status to assign the units when creating enrolment invoices

You will be able to sort course enrolment, current unit enrolment, student invoice list and student payment list columns.



General Invoice could have any line items except the unit enrolments

Ex : Text book fee

      Accommodation fee

Please do not add unit enrolments to a General Invoice


The 'Edit Fees' button is only visible to the full Admin


Please note that you have to update the amount paid field for scholarships, if you are not tracking scholarship payments as payments and not recording as a line item
Before you update the amount paid field you have to change the invoice to a draft status


How to sort columns on the Accounting summary page

  1. Click on the 'Accounting' tab on the side menu
  2. Click on the 'Search' on the side menu
  3. In the edit box labelled Family Names' enter the name provided by the student and then click on the 'Search Student' button.
  4. This will return you a list of students matching your search criteria. 
  5. Load the student's Accounting summary
  6. If you would like to sort a column by Date of Birth, click on the arrow next to the Date of Birth column heading and sort the column. 


  1. Click on the 'Accounting' tab
  2. Click on the 'Search' on the side menu
  3. In the edit box labelled Family Names' enter the name provided by the student and then press the 'Search Student' button. This will return you a list of students matching your search criteria. 
  4. Load the student to find the Invoice and Accounting details
  5. Scroll down the screen to the 'Student Invoice list'
  6. Select the invoice and click on the 'Actions' button -->Print invoice

How to create an enrolment invoice in Paradigm

  1. Click on the 'Accounting' tab
  2. Click on the 'Search' on the side menu
  3. In the edit box labelled 'Family Names' enter the name provided by the student and then press the 'Search Student' button. This will return you a list of students matching your search criteria. 
  4. Click on the 'new invoice' icon under course enrolments to create a new enrolment invoice 
  5. Fill out the required data and click on the 'Save Invoice' button to save your changes.
  6. Scroll down the screen and click on the 'Add invoice items ' button
  7. Select tick boxes for the required units/items that you want to appear on the invoice and click on the 'Add Selected as Items'


  1. Click on the 'Accounting' tab
  2. Click on the 'Search' on the side menu
  3. In the edit box labelled 'Family Names' enter the name provided by the student and then press the 'Search Student' button. This will return you a list of students matching your search criteria. 
  4. Load the student's accounting summary
  5. Scroll down the screen to the 'Student Invoice list'
  6. Select the invoice and click on the 'Actions' button →'Edit invoice'
  7. Change the invoice to 'in process' status and click on the blue button labelled 'Save invoice'
  8. Scroll down to the Items and click on the blue button labelled  'Add Invoice Item'
  9. Delete the item associated with the invoice unit by clicking on the 'delete' icon
  10. Once you delete the line items change the status to 'cancelled'
  11. Load the unit enrolment and ensure that each of the following fields are set to the value "0.00"

  • Unit fee
  • Amount received
  • Upfront payment
  • Funding amount
  • Subsidy amount


  1. Click on the 'Accounting' tab 
  2. Click on the 'Search' on the side menu
  3. In the edit box labelled Family Names' enter the name provided by the student and then click on the 'Search Student' button. This will return you a list of students matching your search criteria. 
  4. Load the student's accounting summary
  5. Scroll down the screen to the Student Invoice list
  6. Select the invoice and click on the Actions→Edit invoice button
  7. Change the status to 'In Process'
  8. Load the student's accounting summary
  9.  Scroll down the screen to the 'Current unit Enrolment'
  10.  Select the invoice and click on the 'Edit' button
  11.  Click on the 'Edit Fees'  button
  12.  Update the amount paid field to match with the scholarship amount field

 Further reading
