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Upon completion of this KB the User will be able to produce and validate the Load Liability File (LL) ready for import into HEPCAT


  • The user has Admin access 
  • The user has entered required data to generate the Campus File
  • The user has an understanding of Element numbers required in HEPCAT reporting / Paradigm
  • The user has access to HEPCAT to import and validate the HEIMS reports


Field NameBrief Overview
Institution*Select the Institution(s) that the report is being submitted for. If Multiple select as many as required
HEIMS Report*From the Drop down field select the Collection Year that the report is for
Submission Year*Enter the Year the submission is for e.g 2018
Period NumberSelect the Period Number. January 1 to June 30 is Period 1 and July 1 to December 31 is Period 2
Submission Number*Within Each Period multiple submissions can be made, select the submission number next in the sequence remembering that the first one for each new year is 1. A Submission will be allocated a number from 3 pieces of data e.g. 2018 1.2 - meaning 2018, period one submission 2
Course Level*
  • Elicos
  • Postgraduate
  • Undergraduate
  • VET
  • Secondary
  • Non-Award
HEIMS Census Date*Select the Census date that the EN report is for, Multiple dates can be selected as long as they fall within the Correct reporting period.
Census Date From
Census Date To
Unit Enrolment Status*
  • Applied
  • Completed
  • Confirmed
  • Deferred
  • Enrolled
  • Exempt
  • Incomplete
  • Internal Offered
  • Provisional
  • Withdrawn
HEIMS Revision NumberSelect this number only if producing a EN LL revision file
Report Mode
  • Non-Checking Mode
  • Non-Interactive Mode (Files will be emailed)
  • On Screen Summary Mode
  • On Screen Full details Mode


This report is Part 3 of 3 for the Student Submission file set.

The set are the Enrolment  (EN), Load Liability (LL) and Help Due (DU)The 3 reports must be validated in this order.

  • DU
  • EN 
  • LL

Once all three have been validated HEPCAT automatically embeds a snapshot of the data from the DU file into the set. The DU file is never submitted to the department unless specifically requested.

The data for this report is from the students application data. It is imperative that data entry is accurate and formatted in a consistent manner to ensure a minimum number of errors in the reports.

This data is to be reported via HEPCAT by the reporting deadlines associated with each census date.

Please refer to the current Higher Education Data Collection reporting Schedule for reporting dates and deadlines for any changes or updates.


For more information on File Scope and structures go to select the required year and file.

If you not previously submitted data via HEPCAT or need a refresher go to: here you will find webinars, training documents, help links and how to guides for HEPCAT and submitting data.
