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This is a section of the whole KB, by having this section, user will be able to jump to the any part of KB with a click.

Note that this you can create dot point as sub headings under each sections and they will show up in this table as sub links.


This is the a short description of the content of the KB, it gives user an idea of what they will be able to achieve with all the information from this KB.


This part of the KB states the basic requirements for user to be able to understand this KB or any access required to carry out the task explained in this KB.

Key terms and concepts

In this section, important key terms and concepts involved in the process of carrying out the tasks explained in this KB will be listed, and each of these concepts and terms will be explained.

It is recommended to use table for convenience when it is appropriate.


This section of the KB will explain what potential issues or problems users can come across and why they happen.


This section explains the exact workflow of how a task/process should be conducted.

It is recommended to divide the task into sub headings.

Further reading

This section of the KB contains links to any further related information that would be helpful for the purpose  understanding this topic.




Upon completion of this KB the User will be able to produce and validate the Unit of Study Completions File (CU) ready for import into HEPCAT


  • The user has Admin access 
  • The user has entered required data to generate the Campus File
  • The user has an understanding of Element numbers required in HEPCAT reporting / Paradigm
  • The user has access to HEPCAT to import and validate the HEIMS reports

Key terms and concepts

Field nameBrief Overview
Institution*Select the Institution(s) that the report is being submitted for. If Multiple select as many as required

HEIMS Report (Year Students Completed)

From the Drop down field select the Collection Year that the report is for
Period NumberSelect the Period Number. January 1 to June 30 is Period 1 and July 1 to December 31 is Period 2

Submission Year (Year Students Completed)

Enter the Year the submission is for e.g 2018
Submission Number*Within Each Period multiple submissions can be made, select the submission number next in the sequence remembering that the first one for each new year is 1. A Submission will be allocated a number from 3 pieces of data e.g. 2018 1.2 - meaning 2018, period one submission 2
Course Level*
  • Elicos
  • Postgraduate
  • Undergraduate
  • VET
  • Secondary
  • Non-Award
Unit Enrolment Status*
  • Applied
  • Completed
  • Confirmed
  • Deferred
  • Enrolled
  • Exempt
  • Incomplete
  • Internal Offered
  • Provisional
  • Withdrawn
HEIMS Census date*Select the Census date that the EN report is for, Multiple dates can be selected as long as they fall within the Correct reporting period.
HEIMS Start Date*
HEIMS End Date*
Output to DESTPAC (Do not Tick for HEPCAT)
Report Mode
  • Non-Interactive Mode (Files will be emailed)
  • On Screen Summary Mode
  • On Screen Full details Mode


This report is Part 2 of 2 for the Past Course Completions and Unit of Study Completions Submission file set.

Please note that these 2 reports (Unit of Study and Past course completions) must be validated and submitted together.

Unlike the Course of Study and Campus file the order of submission is not critical.The set is the Past Course Completions file (PS) and the Unit of Study Completions file (CU) is submitted no later than close of business 30th of April.

However is your institution is participating in the QILT or GOS data surveys the data will need to be submitted and verified earlier to allow for data selection from these bodies.

Please refer to the current Higher Education Data Collection reporting Schedule for reporting dates and deadlines for any changes or updates.


  1. Click on the  Report tab on the side menu 
  2. Click on the HEIMS option in the Side Menu
  3. Click on the Get Report Button next to the Unit of Study Completion file (CU) section.
  4. Select the required options as outlined above
  5. Click on the Produce report button. 
  6. If the report contains any warnings, corrections to the Student data is required, return to the Students record, correct the data and re run this report.
  7. Once the data is clean with no error messages export the file, then import it into HEPCAT.

Further reading

For more information on File Scope and structures go to select the required year and file.

If you not previously submitted data via HEPCAT or need a refresher go to: here you will find webinars, training documents, help links and how to guides for HEPCAT and submitting data.