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Table of Contents

This is a section of the whole KB, by having this section, user will be able to jump to the any part of KB with a click.

Note that this you can create dot point as sub headings under each sections and they will show up in this table as sub links.


This is the a short description of the content of the KB, it gives user an idea of what they will be able to achieve with all the information from this KB.


This part of the KB states the basic requirements for user to be able to understand this KB or any access required to carry out the task explained in this KB.

Key terms and concepts

In this section, important key terms and concepts involved in the process of carrying out the tasks explained in this KB will be listed, and each of these concepts and terms will be explained.

It is recommended to use table for convenience when it is appropriate.


This section of the KB will explain what potential issues or problems users can come across and why they happen.


This section explains the exact workflow of how a task/process should be conducted.

It is recommended to divide the task into sub headings.

Further reading



Upon completion of this KB the User will be able to add / update Users Contact information within the Contact information section.


  • The User has the minimum required level to access the Contacts tab
  • The User has the permission / authority of the Institution to grant access to users / to use Paradigm

Please note: Depending on the individual users levels of access not all pages will be available or editable. If you have Full Admin level access and the pages still isn't visible it maybe either not being used at your institution or have been hidden. For more information contact the Silverband help desk.

Contacts / Users are staff or associates of the institution not students.

Key terms and concepts

Address TypesBrief Overview
Residential / Semester / Term / Current Address

Contact details for the User during an active semester of study.

Permanent / Billing Address

Contact details for the User whilst not actively working, for example during the semester break period.

Emergency Contact AddressContact information to be used in an emergency to reach a friend, family member or guardian of a specific user.
Employer AddressContact details for the users place of employment, if a subcontractor or visiting Scholar

Field NameBrief Overview
Attention NameThe Users full name. this field will appear on printed letters along with address details
Property Namee.g. The Burrows - If the user doesn't provide a property name please leave this field blank
Flat / Unit noe.g. Unit 4 - If the user doesn't provide a sub address please leave this field blank
Street NumberStreet number - this field is only to be left blank if the Postal Box field has been completed - a warning message will appear if this field is left blank to confirm that it is correct
Street NameName of Street including street type e.g. Brown Road
Postal BoxFor a postal address with a non street address e.g. PO Box 9994
CityCity or Suburb. This field is a smart field that contains all suburbs, States and Postcodes of Australia to ensure the correct Suburb / State / Postcode Combination is entered
PostcodeAustralian postcode field - this will auto populate when the Suburb is selected in the above field
StateThe state is normally auto populated with the colleges home state - when the suburb is selected in the Suburb field this will auto populate with the correct state as selected. If the State is not an Australian State pleas change the field to Select State and enter the details into the 'Or' box
OrThis field is for Non-Australian State information
CountryThe Country is defaulted to Australia please change if required
MobileMobile Phone number
HomeAfter Hours contact number
Day PhoneWorking Hours contact number
FaxFax number
EmailEither Personal Email address or institution email address depending on the institutions preference
IM ProtocolInstant messaging system or program preference e.g. Skype, Hip-chat, Messenger - including Username
IM AddressWeb address for Instant messaging program


Not all address types are relevant for all contact/ users.


How to Add a Contact / Users Contact information

  1. Click on Contact tab in the side menu, 
  2. Click on Search in the Side Menu
  3. .Enter any combination of Given name, Surname, Home Institution, Status, Contact role (Paradigm requires at least one search criteria) If no record exists a new record can be created.
  4. This will return a list of contacts that meet the searched criteria
  5. To reduce the returned options start typing the name of the unit into this box Image Added The returned results will reduce to match the criteria.
  6. Click on the blue hyper link on the left side of the required record.
  7. Click on the Edit Contact info option in the Side Menu
  8. Click the Add (address type) to be created. If no address types have been added it is recommended that the Semester / Term / Current Address be created first, followed by the Permanent / Billing address.
  9. Enter the required information to the address fields
  10. Click on the Save Contact details Button.

How to Add a Contact / Users Contact information

  1. Click on Contact tab in the side menu, 
  2. Click on Search in the Side Menu
  3. .Enter any combination of Given name, Surname, Home Institution, Status, Contact role (Paradigm requires at least one search criteria) If no record exists a new record can be created.
  4. This will return a list of contacts that meet the searched criteria
  5. To reduce the returned options start typing the name of the unit into this box Image Added The returned results will reduce to match the criteria.
  6. Click on the blue hyper link on the left side of the required record.
  7. Click on the Edit Contact info option in the Side Menu
  8. Click on the address type to be edited ( Billing Address, Residential Address, Emergency contact address, Employer address)
  9. Edit the data to be updated
  10. Click on the Save Contact details button.

Further reading

How to Create a Contact / User Record

How to Update a Contact / User Record

How to Add / update a password to a Contact / User Record

How to Add Contact Roles to a Contact / User Record