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Table of Contents
This is a section of the whole KB, by having this section,


Upon completion of this KB the user will be able to jump to the any part of KB with a click.

Note that this you can create dot point as sub headings under each sections and they will show up in this table as sub links.


This is the a short description of the content of the KB, it gives user an idea of what they will be able to achieve with all the information from this KB.


This part of the KB states the basic requirements for user to be able to understand this KB or any access required to carry out the task explained in this KBCreate a user login, Add / update a password, assign a security level and enable / disable a users login access


  • he User has the minimum required level to access the Contacts tab
  • The User has the permission / authority of the Institution to grant access to users / to use Paradigm

Please note: Depending on the individual users levels of access not all pages will be available or editable. If you have Full Admin level access and the pages still isn't visible it maybe either not being used at your institution or have been hidden. For more information contact the Silverband help desk.

Contacts / Users are staff or associates of the institution not students.

Key terms and concepts

In this section, important key terms and concepts involved in the process of carrying out the tasks explained in this KB will be listed, and each of these concepts and terms will be explained.

It is recommended to use table for convenience when it is appropriate.


This section of the KB will explain what potential issues or problems users can come across and why they happen.


  1. Click on the Tab option 'Contacts'. This will open the options within the contact section of the side menu.
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  2.  To search for a Contact, click the side menu option labelled 'Search' you will now be presented with search option to locate the required contact. 
    Contacts can be search by Given Names or Surname/ Family Name. Any one or a combination of these will return results.

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  3. In the edit box labelled Given Names enter the name provided by the contact and then press the 'Search Student' button. This will return you a list of contacts matching your search criteria. 

  4. Once you loaded a contact to disable their account select the side menu option 'Login'. You will now be presented with the section 'Activate User Login'

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  5. Press the 'Disable User Login' button. Check the status bar at the top of the screen to ensure your changes have been successful.

Further reading


Security LevelBrief Overview
Accounting Member Access
Admin group for Restricted order Processing
Catalogue Admin Group, has all catalogue permissions

Demo Admin group, has all view Permission

Full Admin Access
Human Resource Access
Marketing Member Access
Order Admin group, has all order permissions
Order Entry Admin Group, permissions for creating orders
Part Admin Access (Registrar)
Party Admin group, has all party permissions
Public Permissions
Reception Member Access
Staff Members Access
Student Access level
System Admin Access
Tutor Members Access


Different Security levels will granted the user different levels of access to the system. A suitable level needs to be granted to a user to give sufficient access. This may be view only e.g.Student Level or reception level access, some editing rights e.g. Staff level access, Administration level e.g.Flex Admin or Full Access e.g. Full Admin. 

Some access levels will restrict that sections of the system can be viewed e.g. Accounting or Human Resource 


How to create a User / Contact Login Credentials 

  1. Click on Contact tab in the side menu, 
  2. Click on Search in the Side Menu
  3. .Enter any combination of Given name, Surname, Home Institution, Status, Contact role (Paradigm requires at least one search criteria) If no record exists a new record can be created.
  4. This will return a list of contacts that meet the searched criteria
  5. To reduce the returned options start typing the name of the unit into this box Image Added The returned results will reduce to match the criteria.
  6. Click on the blue hyper link on the left side of the required record.
  7. Click on the login option in the Side Menu
  8. The new contacts user name will be automatically generated in the User Login Id Field based on the details added to the contact record
  9. Create a new password for the user. The password policy requires all of the parameters below and the save button will not appear until all requirements have been met.
    • A minimum of 8 Characters
    • A combination of upper and lowercase letters
    • At least 1 number
  10. Click the Save User Login Button
  11. From the Assigned Security for user Login section select the requires access level for the new user
  12. Click the Assign Security Button
  13. Click the Enable User Login Button

How to update a User / Contact Password

  1. Click on Contact tab in the side menu, 
  2. Click on Search in the Side Menu
  3. .Enter any combination of Given name, Surname, Home Institution, Status, Contact role (Paradigm requires at least one search criteria) If no record exists a new record can be created.
  4. This will return a list of contacts that meet the searched criteria
  5. To reduce the returned options start typing the name of the unit into this box Image Added The returned results will reduce to match the criteria.
  6. Click on the blue hyper link on the left side of the required record.
  7. Click on the login option in the Side Menu
  8. Scroll down to the Change Password Section
  9. Create a new password for the user. The password policy requires all of the parameters below and the save button will not appear until all requirements have been met.
    • A minimum of 8 Characters
    • A combination of upper and lowercase letters
    • At least 1 number
  10. Click the Save User Login Button

How to disable a User Contact Login and User Record

  1. Click on Contact tab in the side menu, 
  2. Click on Search in the Side Menu
  3. .Enter any combination of Given name, Surname, Home Institution, Status, Contact role (Paradigm requires at least one search criteria) If no record exists a new record can be created.
  4. This will return a list of contacts that meet the searched criteria
  5. To reduce the returned options start typing the name of the unit into this box Image Added The returned results will reduce to match the criteria.
  6. Click on the blue hyper link on the left side of the required record.
  7. Click on the login option in the Side Menu
  8. Click the Disable User Login Button. Check the Enabled option is set to No Image Added
  9. Click the Remove Security Button
  10. Click the Contacts tab in the Side menu
  11. Click the Edit Details option in the Side Menu
  12. Scroll down to the Other details section and set the Status to Archived or inactive
  13. Click the Save Contact button.