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Table of Contents


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Letter for students that need to report to centrelink for their studies


This part of the KB states the basic requirements for user to be able to understand this KB or any access required to carry out the task explained in this KB.

Key terms and concepts

In this section, important key terms and concepts involved in the process of carrying out the tasks explained in this KB will be listed, and each of these concepts and terms will be explained.

It is recommended to use table for convenience when it is appropriate.


This section of the KB will explain what potential issues or problems users can come across and why they happen.


This section explains the exact workflow of how a task/process should be conducted.


Report purpose

The report is created to provide a statement that contains all of the information about the deferred course including information about the student enrolled in the course, name, BOD, studentId, the course the student is doing and the home provider, when the student start and finish the deferral.

The report is located under the course enrolment of the course that is being deferred. The detailed steps of running the report is in the workflow section.

One other method of locating the report is through the report tab, user with admin access can find the report under Report tab->Letters.


The report can be run based on the parameters below.

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In addition to the parameters in the screen shot above, the report is also driven by absenceId, which is along with the course enrolment id uniquely identifies each leave record.


Please note, the information contained in the report/under the course enrolment absence screen does not live in the course enrolment table, instead it lives in its own table called program enrolment absence.

The reason for this is so one course enrolment could have more than one leave record, also the table enables user to put in much more detailed information about the leave.


To run/locate the report, follow the instructions below:

  1. load a student
  2. click on the action menu of the course that has been deferred. Click on Edit course enrolment
  3. click on the action menu of the course that has been deferred. Click on edit leave.
  4. click on the printer button on the corresponding leave to run the report.


A common error here is when the parameters you put in to run the report does not return any results, it will spit out the parameters you put in, in sql and not return any report as shown in the screen shot below.

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To resolve this issue, you will need to examine the parameters you put in and see if any leave record actually exists within the scope of the parameters.

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Further reading
