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Note that this you can create dot point as sub headings under each sections and they will show up in this table as sub links.


This is the a short description of the content of the KB, it gives user an idea of what they Upon completion of this KB the user will be able to achieve with all the information from this KB.


This part of the KB states the basic requirements for user to be able to understand this KB or any access required to carry out the task explained in this KBsearch for fees within the Fees Matrix (Fees table).This works in-conjunction with Scheduled Units to charge students the correct amount for the units for the Course for which they are enrolled. Fee Rules table eliminates the need to create multiple fee rules in the schedule units via Fees Associated With this Schedule Unit section.


  • The user has access to Paradigm
  • The user has an understanding of the Institution Unit Fees
  • The user has an understanding of the Institution Unit Fees for local and International students. 
  • the user has an understanding of the Credit points system with in your institution.

Key terms and concepts

In this section, important key terms and concepts involved in the process of carrying out the tasks explained in this KB will be listed, and each of these concepts and terms will be explained.


Field NameBrief OverviewSample Data


A drop down box containing all of the institutions currently active courses.

Bachelor of Arts

Course Level

The level at which the course is taught





Credit Point statement

The number of points that the unit/ subject is worth within the course of study


Fee Type

The type of fees to be charged

Standard Fees




Unit Level

The banding of the unit /subject, or other coding

Please note: This needs to be set in the Parent unit prior to scheduling units / Subjects






The amount to be charged for this unit / subject for this course combination


Please note do not enter a $  

Unit Fee Status Id

The Unit fee status indicates if the unit fee is currently in use (Active) or not (Archived)





This section of the KB will explain what potential issues or problems users can come across and why they happen.


This section explains the exact workflow of how a task/process should be conducted.


How to Search a Unit Fee Rule

1.1 Click on the Units option in the Side menu.

1.2 Click on the Unit Fee Options from the side menu.

1.3 Click on the Search Unit Fee from the side menu.

1.4 Select the required course from drop box in the Unit fee search section.

1.5 Click the Search unit Fee Button

Please note: To reduce the results additional options can be selected when searching.

Further reading

This section of the KB contains links to any further related information that would be helpful for the purpose  understanding this topic.
