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This article outlines the expected workflow steps to be completed by each provider having completed the steps for entering TCSI Read-Only mode, and to enter TCSI Write Mode.



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Once you have reached this stage then the end is nigh. After all of the checks in TCSI Read-only mode have been satisfied, historical data records matched, and no more 2020 data needs to be reported via HEPCAT, then you are ready to enter TCSI Write mode.


  1. Request enabling of TCSI Write mode

  2. System Event Log

  3. Managing data validation errors

  4. Understanding TCSI push rules

Request enabling of TCSI Write mode

Raise a ticket via the Silverband Help-desk portal when your provider is ready to commence live TCSI reporting. On receipt of this ticket the support team will flip a virtual switch on our end to set your site live. From that moment on records will start being reported in real-time to the government and any returning notifications will be captured for display in the System Event Log screen.

System Event Log

The government TCSI systems will be conducting validation on all submitted data in real-time. When an error is identified an appropriate notification will be returned and stored within the Paradigm database. Where possible these errors will be presented directly to the user who triggered the submission of data. The full set of notifications will be viewable via the System Event Log screen found under the SYSTEM menu. This allows high level users to monitor TCSI validation errors and intervene as required by assigning a specific system event to a designated Paradigm contact for resolution. This is achieved via the Paradigm Requests System.

Managing data validation errors

We recognise that resolving TCSI validation errors is a responsibility that will be shared among multiple staff members at each provider. We have therefore developed a number of mechanisms that will assist teams to coordinate their resources and ensure validation errors are resolved in a timely fashion.

System Event Log

Paradigm tracks all data submitted to TCSI and collates validation error messages for users to inspect via the System Event Log.

Users with access to the System Event Log may use this screen to create a Request ticket that is assigned to another Paradigm user to action. Once that user has resolved the error they will then mark the Request as resolved. This simple workflow allows teams of users to disseminate responsibility for resolving errors while also tracking the status of known errors to ensure they are resolved before breaching a government validation deadline.

Request Kanban Dashboard

The Request Dashboard offers a basic overview of Requests that have been associated with a system event log entry, including details such as the assigned Paradigm user and the current status of the request.

Understanding TCSI push rules

Now that your system is capable of real-time reporting, it is critical that you are familiar with two key facets of TCSI reporting:

  • What constitutes a TCSI record?

  • When is a TCSI record pushed to the government?

Both of these questions are explained further in our article on TCSI Push Rules.

Further reading

TCSI Packets (Higher Education Providers)

TCSI Packets (VET Student Loans)

TCSI Push Rules

TCSI Remapped Elements

TCSI Elements with changed options