Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • You have an understanding of the Unit Fees for your Institution

  • You have an understanding of the Institution Unit Fees for local and International students.

  • You have an understanding of the Credit Points system with in within your institution

  • You have an understanding of the Courses within your Institution


You will need to create Fee Rules prior to creating your scheduled units. If you have a “one-off” Special Fee it should be added to the “Fees Associated with this Scheduled Unit” within the scheduled unit. Any fees entered at the scheduled unit page will override rules corresponding with existing fee rules.


  • Course Id = 8 points - Exemption, it will depend on the initial set-up for your institution. Please check with our Helpdesk to find out the number of points for your institution.

  • Credit Points = 1 point

  • Fee Type = 1 point

  • Unit Level = 1 point

  • Program Level = 1 point

  • Program Type = 1 point

  • Provider Party Id = 1 point

If required an extra weighting can be given to the Course Id field to ensure a 4 or 5-point match if program level is not being used. The system then selects the fee amount that matches with the highest number of points in combination.


Section Name

Brief Overview

Search Unit Fees

This Section is where to search for unit fees that have already been created.

Edit Unit Fees

New Fees rules are added here, and also used for existing fee rules that need to be updated / edited.

Field Requirements For


Creating a Unit Fee

Field Name

Required To Create a Fee Rule

Course ID & Name


Course Level


Credit Point Statement


Fee Type


Unit Level




Funding Amount


Course Type


Scheduled Unit Provider


Unit Fee Status Id



  • Make sure fees are correct before proceeding with enrolmentsenrolment

  • Do not allow enrolments to commence while you are still adding fees or Scheduled units

  • Updating a fee will not update any historical enrolments. Make sure fees are correct before proceeding with enrolmentsenrolment


title1. How to Search for a Unit Fee Rule
  1. Click on the Units option in the menu.

  2. Click on the Unit Fee Details option in the menu.

  3. Click on the Search Unit Fee in the menu.

  4. Select the required course from the drop box in the Unit fee search section.

  5. Click the Search unit Fee button

Please note: To reduce the results additional options can be selected when searching.

title2. How to Add New Unit Fee Rules
  1. Click on the Units option in the menu.

  2. Click on the Unit Fee Details option from the menu.

  3. Click on the Add New Unit Fee from the menu.

  4. Scroll to the Edit Unit Fees Section

  5. Select the Course that the Fee rule is to be added to from the drop-down box.

  6. Select the Program Level for the course.

  7. Enter the number of Credit Points for the unit within the course.

  8. Select the Fee type

  9. Enter the Unit level code (Please Note: This step is optional. The levels must be set within the parent units before adding fee rules)

  10. Enter the amount to be charged for this course and for this credit point fee type as a combination, without a dollar symbol.

  11. Select the Unit Fee Status Id (Active)

  12. Click on the Save Unit Fee button.

To add another rule Click the Add New Unit Fee button on the menu.

title3. How to Edit Unit Fee Rules
  1. Click on the Units option in the menu.

  2. Click on the Unit Fee Details option from the menu.

  3. Click on the Edit Unit Fee option from the menu.

  4. Scroll to the Unit Fee Search section

  5. Select the Course that the Fee Rule is to be added to from the drop-down box.

  6. Click on the Search Unit Fee  button button.

  7. Click on the Pencil icon next to the course fee to be edited.

  8. Update the required fields.

  9. Click the Save Unit Fee  button button.

To edit additional fees scroll to the top of the page and repeat the process from step 5
