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This article outlines the expected heading structure, layout and style of all public facing articles within Confluenceworkflow steps to be completed by each provider having completed the steps for entering TCSI Read-Only mode, and to enter TCSI Write Mode.




Raise a ticket via the Silverband Help-desk portal when your provider is ready to commence live TCSI reporting. On receipt of this ticket the support team will flip a virtual switch on our end to set your site live. From that moment on records will start being reported in real-time to the government and any returning notifications will be captured for display in the System Event Log screen.


The government TCSI systems will be conducting validation on all submitted data in real-time. When an error is identified an appropriate notifications notification will be returned and stored within the Paradigm database. Where possible these errors will be presented directly to the user who triggered the submission of data. The full set of notifications will be viewable via the System Event Log screen found under the SYSTEM menu. This allows high level users to monitor TCSI validation errors and intervene as required by assigning a specific system event to a designated Paradigm contact for resolution. This is achieved via the Paradigm Requests System.


Both of these questions are explained further in our article on TCSI Push Rules.

Further reading

TCSI Packets (Higher Education Providers)

TCSI Packets (VET Student Loans)

TCSI Push Rules

TCSI Remapped Elements
