Report Builder


The Report builder is a tool to aid in accessing the information stored within the system and extract it in meaningful and useful reports. Each report is custom designed to meet your institutions data requirements and needs. Reports can be produced in various output formats to meet the institutions requirements. The report builder uses SQL (Structured Query language) however you don’t need to be able to write in SQL to create report. The Report builder has a user friendly interface to help you create your own reports.

Complexity: Medium to High

Page Contents


  • The user has a reasonable knowledge of the data base, fields and structure.

  • The user has access to the reports section of the system.

Key terms and concepts

Below is a list of the Current Base reports within the system, a short description of what each report might be used for and a few of the key fields with in that base report.

The data in the system is stored in various tables and this tool will allow for reports to be built to extract different sets of information and build a report to extract the exact information required.

The report builder is based tables, each table contains different parts of the system and information stored in it. Knowing what section(s) or the data required is the first step in building the report.

Report Name

Brief overview

Sample Data

Report Name

Brief overview

Sample Data

Student Details

The data in this section of the system will provide information from the student section of the database. Details associated with the edit details page from the student screen.

  • Last Name

  • First Name

  • Personal Title

  • Home Institution

Student Audit Log Details

Fields from the Student Audit log. This base report will provide detailed report from the student Audit log. Primarily on has been changed / updated within the system.

This is helpful for Auditing and managing Data change within the system.

  • Changed Entity name

  • Changed Field name

  • Old Value Text

  • New Value Text

  • Date Changed

  • Changed By info

Contact Details

This level will provide data of who has access to the system and at what level.

It provides information from the contact screen and is mainly for staff users of the system.

  • Role type

  • Highest Academic Qualification

  • Publication

  • Research

  • Home Institution

Provider Details

The Provider details includes data about the institution(s) within the system. If your Institution is a sole provider the data is limited to that. If your a consortium this report can provide contact details, agent arrangements within your group.

  • Sales Commission

  • Percentage

  • Agent Focus

  • Agent Sales Representative

  • Contract renewal Date

Student Course Enrolment Details

The report is two tables joined together to provide data from both the student level and the enrolled course(s) table. This will allow for more detailed reports on the students course activity

  • Course Name

  • Enrolment Status code

  • Start Date

  • Contact hours

  • Contact mode

  • Funding type

  • Fee Type

  • Progression Status

Student Course Enrolment Audit Log Details

Similar to the Student Audit log this report will provide specific information on that has been changed in the Student Course enrolment section of the system.

  • Changed Entity name

  • Changed Field name

  • Old Value Text

  • New Value Text

  • Date Changed

  • Changed By info

Student Unit Enrolment details

This report joins 3 table together Student information, Enrolled Course(s) and Units of Study.


  • Schedule Unit ID Code

  • Schedule Unit Name

  • Scheduled Unit status code

  • Scheduled Unit provider

  • Census date

  • Unit Mode of Delivery

  • Amount Paid

  • HEIMS Loan FEE

  • Payment Date

Student Result details

This Report provides information of student results.

This is useful for results moderation and bench-marking prior to results release.

  • Published grade

  • Grade Description

  • GPS

  • Unit Results Comments

  • Mode of Delivery

  • Class number

  • Teacher Name

  • Scheduled Hours

Course Details

The details in this report focus on the Course Page.

  • Course ID

  • Course Name

  • Course Level

  • Standard Unit Fees

  • International Unit fees

  • Course Specialisation Code

  • Accreditation Date

  • CRICOS Code

  • Credit points required

Unit Details

This report focus on Parent Unit details (not the Scheduled unit details)

  • Unit Code

  • Unit Name

  • Unit Provider Code

  • Unit Category Id

  • Unit Status Code

  • Prerequisites

  • Co-requisites

  • Credit Statement

  • HEIMS Discipline Code

  • School

  • Invoice Fee Code

Scheduled unit Details

This report Focus on the Schedule Unit details

  • Start date

  • End Date

  • HEIMS Census Date

  • Scheduled Location

  • Mode of Delivery

  • Teacher First name

  • Teacher Last Name

  • Maximum Participants

  • Minimum Participants

  • Current Participants

  • Class number

Scheduled Unit Fee Details

This report Focus on the Schedule Fee details

  • Start date

  • End Date

  • HEIMS Census Date

  • Amount charged

  • Amount Paid

  • Help Loading

  • Funding type

  • Fee type

Session Details

The Section provides details on Sessions / RAPLA

  • Sessions Current Participants

  • Session Type

  • Session Subject

  • Session Day

  • Start time

  • RAPLA Event Id

  • RAPLA Appointment Id

  • Building

  • Room

Credit Point Audit

  • Unit Count

  • Credit Points


  • Fees Invoiced

  • Fees Paid

  • Fees Owing

  • Paid Scholarship

Scheduled Assessment View Details

This report will provide data for Scheduled Assessments within Scheduled units

  • Assessment Id

  • Assessment Name

  • Assessment Description

  • Assessment Maximum mark

  • Assessment Pass Mark

  • Assessment Weighting

Assessment Results Details

This report focuses on the assessments within a Scheduled unit. It is also useful for Final grade analysis and bench-marking. It will provide information on block marking and comparison between cohorts.

  • Assessment result awarded mark

  • Assessment results awarded grade

  • Assessment results awarded date

  • Assessment results penalty type

  • Assessment results penalty amount

Student Review details

This report provides details on student reviews, date, reviewer and actions.

This is useful for mentor reports, or professional experience reports

  • Contact first Name

  • Contact last name

  • Review date

  • Notes

  • Review Action

Student request details

Data in this report focuses on request from the student and for the student e.g. new student card,

Remark of assignment etc

  • Customer request type description

  • Status id

  • Priority

  • Customer request date

  • Response required date

  • Customer request name

  • Description

  • Request created date

  • Request create by user login

  • Last modified date


Report Builder operators

When building a Report Builder report the operators enable you to filter the results by indicating what is or isn’t required.

Operator types


Sample Data

Equals (=)

For this operator the data within the column name has to be an exact match.

“Credit points” = 100

Only records with the exact match will be returned in the data set

Not Equal !=

For this operator the data within the column name can not be an exact match.

“Credit points” not = 100

Records with every number OTHER then 100 will be returned

Greater Than (>)

Normally used for numeric values like date, credit points

“Credit Points” > 100

(values returned will start from 101)

“Start Date” > 01/01/2018 (values returned will start from 02/01/2018)

Less Than (<)

Normally used for numeric values like date, credit points

“Credit Points” < 100

(Values returned will be up to and including 99)

“Start Date” < 01/01/2018

(values returned will be up to and including 31/12/2017)

Greater Than Equal to (>=)

Normally used for numeric values like date, credit points

“Credit Points” > 100

(values returned will start from 100)

“Start Date” > 01/01/2018 (values returned will start from 01/01/2018)

Less than Equal to (<=)

Normally used for numeric values like date, credit points

“Credit Points” < 100

(Values returned will be up to and including 100)

“Start Date” < 01/01/2018

(values returned will be up to and including 01/01/2018)

Like Case Insensitive

This can be used in type-able fields where the data can be in various formats e.g. Surname, Suburb

Case insensitive is the key to return all of these values





Flinders Park

flinders park



Like is a wildcard value. This will return values that contain a pattern match

“Suburb” Like B




Not Like

Displays records if a condition is not True or don’t match the selected pattern match

“Surname” NOT LIKE Smith





IN is normally used when selecting from predefined options from the drop down box

“Course Enrolment Status Id” In ENROLLED

All records with a Course enrolment status of enrolled will be returned

Not In

NOT IN is normally used when selecting from predefined options from the drop down box

“Course Enrolment Status Id” NOT IN ENROLLED

All records who are in any status other than ENROLLED will be returned


Is Not

Field Equals (=)

Compares the contents of one field with another field.

Note that the fields used here do not need to be added to the report

Field Not Equals !=

Field Greater Than (>)

Field Less Than (<)

Field Greater Than Equal To (>=)

Field Less Than Equal to (<=)


Conditions allow for clauses to be joined together to form more complex filter clauses. e.g. “Start Date” > 01/01/2019 AND “Course Enrolment Status Id” In ENROLLED

This will produce a list of students who have a start date greater than 01/01/2019 AND have a course enrolments status of enrolled. To appear in this data set the record must satisfy BOTH conditions. Or if more conditions are added using the AND condition the record has to meet all of the required criteria to be returned in the produced data set.


The other condition is OR. e.g. “Start date” >01/01/2018 OR “Course Enrolment Status Id” in Enrolled

This will produce a list of students who have a start date of 01/01/2018 OR a Course Enrolment status of Enrolled OR Both. The record only has to meet ONE criteria in the filter clauses to return a value in the produced data set.

The example used for this report is the Centrelink report. This is a pre-saved report within the report builder

“Person Status’ IN Active AND

“Course Enrolment Status Id” IN Enrolled AND

“Overseas Student” NOT EQUAL Yes.

All three of these criteria have to be met for a record to appear within the data set produced for this report.

These can have multiple filters that can be mixed and matched to reduce the data set to produce a specific data set from the whole database.


  • Global reports are reports that are available for anyone who has access to the report builder.

  • Private reports are only available to either the person who built the report.

  • Reports can also be restricted to access levels or to particular Providers / Institutions

  • When saving a new report 5 fields are required:

Required Field to save report

Brief Description

Required Field to save report

Brief Description

Report Name

Report name -to help locate the report for future use.


A brief description of what the report is for or the data that the report will provide


The section/type of data that the report belongs to:

  • Provider

  • Student

  • Financial

  • Marketing

  • Saved Search

  • All


Who has access to this report:

  • Global - All user can access this report

  • Private - Only I can use this report


  • Active

  • Archived

  • In Active

  • In Progress

Output Formats for Reports


Brief Overview


Brief Overview

Print Format HTML

On Screen data export.

Bulk student Select

Used for bulk reports and actions within the system


Comma separated vales, a text file that has a specific format which allows data to be saved in a table structure

Report Summary


Custom CSV



The original file extension type for Microsoft spread sheets.

Uploaded HTML template



Renders quoted strings in unicode format


Metalanguage which allows users to define their own customized markup languages, especially in order to display documents on the internet.



  1. Click on the Reports option in the side menu

  2. Click on the Report Builder option in the side menu

  3. Click on the Global reports or Private reports drop box

  4. Select the report to be loaded

  5. Click on the Load Report button

  6. The report has now been loaded

  1. Click on the Reports option in the side menu

  2. Click on the Report Builder option in the side menu

  3. Click on the Global reports drop box

  4. Select the report to be loaded

  5. Click on the Load Report button

  6. Scroll down to the Report Columns section

  7. The fields that are highlighted are already in the report. To add additional fields hold the ‘Control’ button and click on the fields to be added. The newly added field will be highlighted

  8. To remove fields hold the ‘Control’ and click on the fields to be removed. The newly removed fields will be un-highlighted.

  9. Once all of the required fields have been added or removed click on the Add/Remove Columns button.

  1. Click on the Reports option in the side menu

  2. Click on the Report Builder option in the side menu

  3. Click on the Global reports or Private reports drop box

  4. Select the report to be loaded

  5. Click on the Load Report button

  6. The report has now been loaded

  7. Scroll down to the Report Columns section

  8. Update the required Column names

  9. Update the Order Number numbers of the fields as required to have report produced in the required field order

  1. Click on the Reports option in the side menu

  2. Click on the Report Builder option in the side menu

  3. Click on the Global reports or Private reports drop box

  4. Select the report to be loaded

  5. Click on the Load Report button

  6. The report has now been loaded

  7. Scroll down to the Filter Clause section

  8. Click on the Column Name drop box

  9. Select the Column name to be filtered

  10. Select the required Operator

The order by function works as intended if you export the report in a csv format.

When you produce report in a HTML or create a bulk list, the screen displays the order by to the first column by default.

Workaround suggestions if you want to see order by in a HTML version.

  1. You can either manually ascending/descending the columns by click on the first-row header once you get to the screen of bulk student select

  2. Change the order number of the column you want to see the order by function to 1



Further reading

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