NAT00020 - Training Organisation Delivery Location file
This article provides the file structure of NAT00020 - Training Organisation Delivery Location File, it helps you to understand where the fields are from as well as their relationships in the Paradigm. This will further help you to validate errors once you submit the file to AVETMISS validation software (AVS). It also includes the workflow of how to generate a NAT00020 file from Paradigm.
Complexity: Medium
Page Contents
The User understands AVETMISS national reporting, state reporting if applicable
The User has access to AVETMISS Validation software (AVS)
The User has an understanding of txt file formats
The User has downloaded and read the latest version of VET Provider Collection specifications
The user has an understanding of the Australian Vocational Education System.
Key terms and concepts
The Training organisation delivery location (NAT00020) file contains a record for each training
delivery location associated with training activity in a training organisation during the collection
A training organisation delivery location is a specific training site.
In the context of Paradigm SMS, you can treat a campus as a training organisation delivery location.
The Training organisation delivery location (NAT00020) file provides a record of training delivery
location details during the collection period. This file is used to distinguish between delivery
locations of a training organisation.
Only one record per combination of Training organisation identifier and Training organisation
delivery location identifier in this file.
File relationships
For each unique Training organisation identifier in the Training organisation delivery location
(NAT00020) file there must be one corresponding record in the:
Training organisation (NAT00010) or (NAT00010A) file.
For each unique combination of Training organisation identifier and Training organisation delivery
location identifier in the Training organisation delivery location (NAT00020) file there must be at
least one corresponding record in the:
Training activity (NAT00120) file.
If there is no subject activity and therefore no Training activity (NAT00120) file, then the Training
organisation delivery location (NAT00020) file is not required.
Training Organisation Delivery Location File Structure
Silverband generated ID | AVETMISS Field Name | Paradigm Entities | Paradigm Internal Field Names | Default Paradigm field labels | Paradigm Menu Location | Field Type | Default Paradigm Value | Width |
AVET073 | Training Organisation Identifier (TOID) | Provider | Training Organisation Identifier | avet073 | Providers > Edit details > VET Providers Details | TEXT |
| 10 |
AVET071 | Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier | Provider | Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier | avet071 | Providers > Edit details > VET Providers Details | TEXT |
| 10 |
AVET072 | Training Organisation Delivery Location Name | Provider | Name | groupName | Providers > Edit details | TEXT |
| 100 |
AVET044 | Postcode (in Training Organisation Delivery Location File - NAT) | Provider | Post Code | postalCode | Providers > Edit Contact Info, Residential/Semester Type | Number |
| 4 |
AVET061 | State Identifier | Provider | State | stateProvinceGeoId | Providers > Edit Contact Info, Residential/Semester Type | Select |
| 2 |
AVET002 | Address - Suburb, Locality or Town | Provider | City | city | Providers > Edit Contact Info, Residential/Semester Type | Select |
| 50 |
AVET015 | Country Identifier | Provider | Country | SaccCode | Providers > Edit Contact Info, Residential/Semester Type | Select | @@@@ | 4 |
Total file length for national data collection |
| 180 |
Further reading
AVETMISS - National reporting (NCVER) (Paradigm Knowledge Base)
NAT00010 - Training Organisation File (Paradigm Knowledge Base)