Add New Course Offer

Add New Course Offer


With all the Base Course(s) added to the system – make sure that all the necessary details required from Paradigm, your institution, and the government are entered correctly if you are at the stage where you are ready to offer your course(s), you can refer to the workflow below for the instructions on how to add a new course offer in Paradigm.

Complexity: Medium


  • The fields you defined when adding a new Course Offer (as described in the table below) will be inherited or reflected in the Course Enrolment record of the student who will be enrolled on the scheduled program.

  • If in the future you will decide to edit some field values to any of your existing scheduled programs, the changes you will make will NOT be reflected on any of the ALREADY-created course enrolments. The changes you made will only reflect on the new course enrolment records created after you save your changes.



The instructions below assume that you have already added the base course record that you want to offer or schedule for the students to enrol. If this is not the case yet, refer to the instructions on this knowledge article link: Courses > Add New on how to add a base course record in Paradigm.


step 1 Check for any existing scheduled program record in the system to avoid duplicates



To avoid duplicates, it is highly recommended that you search first if there are any existing scheduled programs in the system already, with the course name, and student cohort (same start and end dates, etc.) that you are planning to schedule or offer. Refer to the instructions below on how to search for any existing scheduled program(s) or course(s) in the system.


1, 2, 3 Choose Courses > Course Offers > Search Course Offer menus on the side. Enter any of the search criteria (fields inside the red box in the screenshot below).

4 After entering your search criteria, click the SEARCH button. In the example below, the Course Id is BAAcc - Bachelor of Accounting is selected.

5 A list of the scheduled course record(s) that meets your search criteria will be displayed on the table below the search section (if there are any existing record/s in the system). If not, there will be a message on top about your searching not returning any results (which is one of the indicators that there are no duplicates and you’re good to proceed with scheduling or offering the course, see the step 2 instructions below).

6 If the search result will return a list, check the dates or other fields that your institution might have used to set a cohort/group of students to that particular scheduled program. Make sure that the scheduled program that you are about to offer has different cohort criteria from what is currently being offered.

Check and compare the following fields:

Proceed with scheduling or offering the course if you found no duplicates, see the step 2 instructions below.


step 2 Add the New Course Offer



1, 2, 3, 4 Choose Courses > Course Offers > Add New Course Offer menus on the side. Click the NEW SCHEDULED PROGRAM button.

5 After clicking the NEW SCHEDULED PROGRAM button, go to the SCHEDULED PROGRAM EDIT section and enter all the available and required fields.


Fields which has this colour are the Paradigm required fields

Fields which has this colour are the Higher Education (HED) required fields

Fields which has this colour are the VET required fields

Field Name

Brief Description

Field Name

Brief Description

Scheduled Program Details

Scheduled Program Id

Leave this field (system generated)


Select Active if the intention is to offer or schedule the course or program.

Offer Start Date

When will the Course be available for enrolment

Offer Expected End Date

When will be the last day a student is allowed to enrol to the Course

Maximum Participants

Maximum number of students (enrolments) allowed to enrol to this Course

Minimum Participants

Minimum number of students (enrolments) for the Course to run

Current Participants

Leave these fields.

These are all system generated counts and are applicable once the Course has student enrolment records in the system already.

Transferred Participants

Cancelled Participants

Program Details

Course Id

Select the Base Course record from the dropdown menu – the Course that you want to schedule or offer.

Home Institution

If you have multiple campuses, select from the dropdown menu the campus location where you want the Course to be scheduled or offered, otherwise leave this field as is, as if you only have one campus, by default, Paradigm will set it to your business or institution’s name.

Start Date

Start Date of the Semester you will run the Course

Expected End Date

Expected End Date of the Semester when the Course is expected to be completed, e.g. If the Course will start on the Semester 1 of year 2021 and the Course is expected to run for 3 years, then you can set this field to be on Semester 2 of year 2023.

Enrolment Status

This will give you the option to set the current status of this particular Course Offering. If the intention is to schedule or offer the Course, you can set it as Applied or Offered. The rest of the statuses are applicable once the Course has been running already (gives you the flexibility to set the status of the Course offering as it goes).

Full/Part Time

Set this field if you want the Course to be studied in either Full or Part Time

Contact Mode

How you want the Course to be studied. Select from the dropdown menu (On-Campus/Attending, Distance, Online, Multi-Mode, Flexible Learning).

Funding Type

Select the funding type option from the dropdown menu – if you want to set this Course to have a default Funding Type.

Fee Type

Option to set the defaullt fee type to either Standard fee or International fee, depending on your fee structure.

HEIMS Details

HEIMS Student Status

Select the required option from the dropdown menu – that you want to make a default value for this field. Click here to learn more about this field.

HEIMS Mode of Attendance

Select the required option from the dropdown menu – that you want to make a default value for this field. Click here to learn more about this field.

VET Details

Funding Source National

Click the dropdown menu and choose the appropriate option.

Purchasing Contract Identifier

DEFINITION Purchasing contract identifier uniquely identifies the purchasing or funding contract between the state or territory training authority and the registered training organisation.

CONTEXT Applicable only to training organisations with contractual obligations to state or territory training authorities. Rules are determined by individual states and territories.

Source: AVETMISS data element definitions

Purchasing Contract Schedule Identifier

DEFINITION Purchasing contract schedule identifier identifies a specific program of study to be undertaken as part of a purchasing contract. Purchasing contract schedule identifier is applied to the duration of the contract period, which can overlap data-collection periods.

CONTEXT Applicable only to training organisations with contractual obligations to state or territory training authorities. Rules are determined by individual states and territories.

Source: AVETMISS data element definitions

Funding Source - State Training Authority

Click the dropdown menu and choose the appropriate option.

Other Details


Notes about this Course


If you want to associate this Course to a specific Contact record.

Allow Online Application

Select Yes if this Course will allow online application enrolment, else, select No.


6 After filling out all the required and available fields for the Course record that you want to schedule or offer, click the SAVE DETAILS button.


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Scheduled Program - Scheduled Units




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