TCSI Error Code - 10546
Invalid code value in Disability Code (E615)
TCSI Error Description
The Disability Code (E615) is not a valid code.
Error Logic
If the Disability Code (E615) is not blank (null), then the Disability Code (E615) must match to a current value in the RefStudentDisabilityType table on the Disability Effective From Date (E609).
Paradigm Error Resolution
Please check the list of acceptable codes and report the correct Disability Code (E615) for the student.
If you have checked the reported code Disability Code (E615) is correct and still encounter this validation error, it could possibly be caused by the effective from date value (E609) being set too far in the past.
The advice is to record the effective from date value (E609) for the disability packets as being equal to the start date of the student course enrolment.
Note 1st Jan 2005 is the earliest Disability effective from date that you can set as that is the date the HEPCAT system comes into play.
Reporting effective dates (E609/610) from TCSI Support: