Student - Search

Student - Search


The Student Search menu in Paradigm will search for student records that will meet specific search criteria. Student Number, First and Last Name, Home Institution, and Status are just some of the search criteria that you can set when searching for student records in the system. This screen is also used if you want to search for students that you want to add to your bulk list for sending communications and for other bulk processes in Paradigm.

Another notable function of the Student Search menu is to unload any currently loaded record in the system. This is very helpful if you want to refresh the system and work on another student record.
Complexity: LOW


SEARCH CRITERIA Fields that a Student Can be Search For By


A Student Number: A number that your institution allocates, to uniquely identify a student. A student number can only belong to one student.

B First Name: The student's given name as it appears on the student's birth certificate or other identification.

C Family Name: The student's family name or surname as it appears on the student's birth certificate or other identification.

D Preferred Name: If specified by the student upon enrolment, how a student would prefer to be called.

E Previous Last Name: Any other last name or surname that the student has used or has been known to use.

F Internal Paradigm ID: System (Paradigm) generated a unique number once a student is added to the system.

G DOB: The Date of Birth of the student.

H Home Institution: The college, campus, or institution where the student is primarily enrolled and undertaking studies.

I Passport Number: The student is required to provide their passport number when they are an international student.

J CoE Number: Certificate of Enrolment number, Documents supplied to an International student as to the terms and conditions of their continued enrolment with the institution and course of study.

K VSN: Victorian Student Number, a nine-digit number.

L Status: The current status of the student's record can be one of Active, Alumni, Applied, Archived, Deceased, Deleted, Discontinued, Inactive, On Leave, Prospective, and Suspended.

M Dest Uid8: This field is part of the government (TCSI Reporting) as a unique identifier for each student record.


An overview of this field (Dest Uid8):

Fields collectively called UID, represent primary key fields that are generated by TCSI, upon submitting a record that has been successfully validated. Once the record has at least once been successfully validated, it may at some stage have a status of invalid, but it will still have the same UID for future updates of the same record.
The student record UID field is called dest_uid8;
The course enrolment UID is called dest_uid15; and
The unit enrolment UID is called dest_uid16.

This field is available to FULLADMIN and FLEXADMIN users to help resolve duplicate record issues, e.g. students with identical UID8, or unit enrolments with identical UID16. The name suggests that for each record type for a specific provider, the Unique Identifier should be unique.
Each record type will have a number of Paradigm fields that must be unique, in order to generate a UID of that type e.g. for each student enrolment, there must be a unique combination of student number, scheduled unit id, and program enrolment id. A different value for any of those fields will generate a new UID16.

N Order By: The field name to use, to sort the way the results are listed.



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How to SEARCH for a Student Record


Refer to the table above SEARCH CRITERIA Fields that a Student Can be Search For By if you want an overview of all the fields found in searching a student record in Paradigm (as mentioned in the instructions below).


 1, 2, 3, 4 Go to Student > Search > Enter your search criteria and click the SEARCH button.


You can add more filters in searching for a student here. Check the STUDENT SEARCH Form screenshot below for the fields that you can filter in searching for a student record.

This will show a list of students that meet these criteria

To filter the search results, in the search box on top of the table list of students that meet the search criteria, type another keyword or field [e.g. first name or given name] that will relate more to the student that you are searching.



To select students for bulk communications or add to a bulk list for other bulk processes, select the checkboxes on the right and click the EMAIL STUDENT IN LIST or ADD SELECTED TO LIST buttons below.


5 Once you’ve found the student, click the blue hyperlink Student Number under the Student No column.

This will load the Student Summary page.


The student's record has now been loaded into the Student Summary page.

To learn more about the Student Summary page and all its sections, refer to this Knowledge Base article: Student - Summary.



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How to Add Students to a Bulk List via Student Search


 1, 2, 3, 4 Go to Student > Search > Enter your search criteria and click the SEARCH button. If you want to search for students to be added to your bulk list, you can add the generic criteria, e.g. Home Institution, Status, or part of the Student Number.

5 To filter the search results - in the search box on top of the data table that meets the search criteria, type another keyword or field that will relate more to the group of students that you are searching.

6 To select students for bulk communications or add them to a bulk list for other bulk processes, select the checkboxes on the right and click the EMAIL STUDENT IN LIST or ADD SELECTED TO LIST buttons below.


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How to Unload a Student Record in the system


1. To check if there is an existing record in the system that is currently loaded, you can either enable the Show Classic Records Loaded menu

or the student name displayed just on top of the Dashboard menu on the sides.


2. If you want to unload the record in the system to work on another student record, simply navigate to Student > Search menus on the side. This will now refresh the system, ready to work on another record.



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