This article provides an overview of AVETMISS, the Victorian state standard for the collection of VET data. Under each AVETMISS NAT file, it outlines the file structure so user understands where the field draws from as well as the workflow on how to use ParadigmSMS generate each reporting file and you can then submit the file to Victorian AVETMISS Validation Software (Skills Victoria Training System) for validation.
Complexity: High
Page Contents
The User understands AVETMISS national reporting as well as Victorian VET reporting
The User has registered and downloaded the AVETMISS Validation Software Skills Victoria Training System (SVTS)
The User has an understanding of txt file formats
The User has downloaded and read the latest version of Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection specifications
The user has an understanding of the Australian Vocational Education System.
Key terms and concepts
All vocational education and training (VET) providers who receive funding from the Victorian government are required to provide statistical data to the Department.
The data is used to shape policy, monitor VET activity, evaluate initiatives and plan for the future.
Guidelines for 2020
Guidelines provide information and guidance to providers of Vocational Education and Training (VET) including eligible community-based providers about Higher Education and Skills' group statistical submission requirements for 2020. These guidelines support AVETMISS 8.0 and are to be implemented for the 2020 collection year.
Further reading
Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2020 v1.1
Registered Training Organisations use this website to submit their monthly training activity data securely to the Skills Victoria Training System (SVTS).
AVETMISS - National reporting (NCVER) (Paradigm Knowledge Base)
NAT00010 - Training Organisation File (Paradigm Knowledge Base)