Show Scheduled Units


The Show Scheduled Units menu in Paradigm will let you search for all scheduled units in a particular base unit. With your searched results, you have the option to add scheduled assessments for delivery mode, add scheduled assessments, and add scheduled units to list. The details of the scheduled unit can also be edited on this page. This knowledge article will provide you with a workflow on how to view scheduled units associated to a base unit, all the other workflows related to this menu are covered in the Search, Add and Edit Base and Scheduled Units articles.
Complexity Low




  • You have the minimum required level to access the Units Menu;

  • You have an understanding that making changes within this section has system wide implications;

  • You have an understanding of the Australian Tertiary Education System / VET Sector; and

  • You have an understanding of the Units and Courses within your Institution for scheduling and timetabling.

Key Terms and Concepts



Field Name

Brief Overview

Field Name

Brief Overview

Unit Codes

Institution allocated unique unit codes to identify units of study

Unit Name

Institution allocated unique unit names to identify units of study

Unit Provider

The provider / Institution the unit will be offered by

Unit Location

Location that the Unit will be delivered at

Start Date

Commencing date of the unit of study

End Date

Completion date of the unit of Study

Order By

  • Unit Code

  • Unit Names

  • Provider Id

  • Status Id

  • Last Modified date



1. How to view or show Scheduled Units

1, 2, 3 Choose Units > Unit Details > Show Scheduled Units menus on the side.

4 Enter any combination of Unit Code, Unit Name, Unit Provider, Start Date, End Date. Paradigm requires at least one search criteria.

5 Click the SEARCH SCHEDULED UNIT button.



6 After clicking the SEARCH SCHEDULED UNIT button, it will return a list of units that meet your searched criteria.

7 You have the option to filter the returned list more by typing a keyword or the name of the unit in the Filter Box. This will reduce the result to match your filter keyword.



8 Click the scheduled unit number hyperlink on the first column of the table list to load the details of the scheduled unit that you want to view.



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Related How-To Guides

1. How to ADD Assessment to a Scheduled Units from a Base Unit

2. How to ADD Assessment to a Scheduled Units from a Base Unit by Delivery Method



Related Pages











Overview | Assumptions | Key Terms and Concepts | Implications | Workflow | Video | Related Pages | Further Reading