Commonwealth Assisted Student File - HELP Due (DU)
The Commonwealth Assisted Students (DU) file, commonly referred to as the "HELP Due"
submission, reports the personal details, including names, tax file numbers (TFN) and
Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Numbers (CHESSN) of all Commonwealth assisted
students. This article provides the workflow on how to produce DU file in Paradigm, and export it to HEPCAT. The challenge is to check all the required elements and validate you data in HEPCAT.
Complexity: HIGH to EXPERT
Page Contents
The user has entered required data to generate the Campus File
The user has read the Commonwealth Assisted Students – HELP Due (DU) scope on heimshelp website
The user has an understanding of Element numbers required in HEPCAT reporting / Paradigm
The user has access to HEPCAT to import and validate the HEIMS reports
Key terms and concepts
Commonwealth assisted students are:
all Commonwealth supported students who pay their contributions up front, defer their
contribution through HECS-HELP or are contribution exemptstudents who access FEE-HELP assistance
students who access OS-HELP assistance
students who access SA-HELP assistance
Student details from this file are provided to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
Commonwealth Assisted File Fields
All Fields Marked with * are required to produce a compliant Commonwealth Assisted Student file
Field Name | Brief Overview |
Institution | Select the Institution who actually owns the course. Leave it un-select if it is not applicable. |
*HEP Provider | A provider that is submitting the reports to HEPCAT |
*HEP Contact | A contact person from your institution |
*HEIMS Report | From the Drop down field select the Collection Year that the report is for |
Period Number | Select the Period Number. January 1 to June 30 is Period 1 and July 1 to December 31 is Period 2 |
*Submission Year | Enter the reporting Year of your submission is for, e.g 2019 |
Submission Number | Two DU files are created and validated in a HELP Due submission each year. The first file includes student details for debts incurred between 1 January and 30 June. The second file includes student details for debts incurred between 1 July and 31 December. |
*Course Level |
*HEIMS Census Date (E489) | Select the Census date that the EN report is for, Multiple dates can be selected as long as they fall within the Correct reporting period. |
Census Date From | - |
Census Date To | - |
*Unit Enrolment Status | The system has already defaulted on some status
HEIMS Revision Number | Only select this number if you are producing a DU revision file. |
Report Mode |
Commonwealth Assisted Students File Structure
Be advised
One record for each student and course combination is required on the DU file. Each record must
have a unique combination of values for:
Student identification code (element 313)
Course code (element 307)
Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number (CHESSN) (element 488).
Element | Element Name | Paradigm Entities | Paradigm Internal Field Names | Default Paradigm field labels | Paradigm Menu Location | Field Type | Width | Derived Field |
E313 | Student identification code | Student | Student No. | studentNumber | Student > Student Details > Edit details | TEXT | 10 | N/A |
E416 | Tax file number | Student | Tax File Number | socialSecurityNumber | Student > Student Details > Edit details | TEXT | 11 | N/A |
E314 | Date of birth | Student | DOB | birthDate | Student > Student Details > Edit details | DATE | 8 | N/A |
E315 | Gender code | Student | Gender | gender | Student > Student Details > Edit details | SELECT | 1 | N/A |
E307 | Course code | Base Course | Id | eduProgramId | Courses > Edit Details | TEXT | 10 | N/A |
E405 | Student title | Student | Title | personalTitle | Student > Student Details > Edit details | TEXT | 15 | N/A |
E402 | Student surname | Student | Family Name | lastName | Student > Student Details > Edit details | TEXT | 30 | N/A |
E403 | Student given name - first | Student | Given Name | firstName | Student > Student Details > Edit details | TEXT | 15 | N/A |
E404 | Student given name - others | Student | Middle Name | middleName | Student > Student Details > Edit details | TEXT | 30 | N/A |
E406 | Postal address - part 1 | Student | Street Number | streetNumber | Student > Student details > Edit Contact info (Billing) | TEXT | 38 | N/A |
E407 | Postal address - part 2 | Student | Street Name | streetName | Student > Student details > Edit Contact info (Billing) | TEXT | 38 | N/A |
E466 | Postal address suburb/town | Student | City | city | Student > Student details > Edit Contact info (Billing) | TEXT | 27 | N/A |
E467 | Postal address state code | Student | State | stateProvinceGeoId | Student > Student details > Edit Contact info (Billing) | SELECT | 3 | N/A |
E409 | Postal address - postcode | Student | Post Code | postalCode | Student > Student details > Edit Contact info (Billing) | POSTCODE | 4 | N/A |
E468 | Postal address country name | Student | Country | countryGeoId | Student > Student details > Edit Contact info (Billing) | Select | 20 | N/A |
E410 | Address of permanent home residence - part 1 | Student | Street Number | streetNumber | Student > Student details > Edit Contact info (Residential) | TEXT | 38 | N/A |
E411 | Address of permanent home residence - part 2 | Student | Street Name | streetName | Student > Student details > Edit Contact info (Residential) | TEXT | 38 | N/A |
E469 | Residential address suburb/town | Student | City | city | Student > Student details > Edit Contact info (Residential) | TEXT | 27 | N/A |
E470 | Residential address state | Student | State | stateProvinceGeoId | Student > Student details > Edit Contact info (Residential) | SELECT | 3 | N/A |
E413 | Address of permanent home residence - postcode | Student | Post Code | postalCode | Student > Student details > Edit Contact info (Residential) | POSTCODE | 4 | N/A |
E471 | Residential address country name | Student | Country | countryGeoId | Student > Student details > Edit Contact info (Residential) | TEXT | 20 | N/A |
N.A. | Filler | - | - | - | - | ASCII_FILLER | 9 | N/A |
E488 | Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number (CHESSN) | Student | CHESSN No. | chessenNo | Student > Student Details > Edit details | TEXT | 10 | N/A |
Higher Education Student submission guidelines
The Student submission includes data from three files; the Student enrolment (EN) file, the Student load liability (LL) file and the Commonwealth Assisted Students - HELP due (DU) file.
All higher education providers are required to report this submission.
Commonwealth Assisted Students DU file needs to upload and validate in HEPCAT first
EN = Course Enrolment
LL = Unit Enrolment
The data for this report is from the students application data. It is imperative that data entry is accurate and formatted in a consistent manner to ensure a minimum number of errors in the reports.
Reports should never be altered directly in the flat file as the structure of the file can inadvertently altered and corrupted. The files will then not accepted by HEPCAT. The preferred method from us is to update the information directly in Paradigm and then re - export the reports for transferring into HEPCAT.
How to produce Commonwealth Assisted Student (DU) file
Click on the Report tab on the side menu
Click on the HEIMS option in the side menu
Click on the Get Report button next to the edit Commonwealth Assisted File report (DU).
Fill out the required options as outlined above
Click on the Produce Report button.
If the report contains any warnings, corrections to the Student data is required, return to the Students record, correct the data and re run this report.
Once the data is clean with no error messages export the file, then import it into HEPCAT.
Further Reading
Commonwealth Assisted Students – HELP DUE (DU) file structure
Higher Education Student - 2018 submission guidelines