Search, Add and Edit Content (e.g. Email Templates)

Search, Add and Edit Content (e.g. Email Templates)


As a provider, you have the option to create or add data resources in Paradigm, e.g. email templates should the need arise. These templates can be added with dynamic data or merge fields that we made available for you to use in creating the content. This knowledge article will provide a workflow on how to search, add, and edit templates, and some template examples as well.

Complexity MEDIUM



Video Tutorial Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsZ2CbvLZWw


  • You have the minimum required permission level to access the Provider tab

  • You understand that making changes within this section has system-wide implications.

  • You have an understanding of the Australian Tertiary Education System / VET Sector.


Key Terms and Concepts


We have no plans for any new additional email merge fields at this time. More complex use cases should be handled using the Paradigm reporting engine by generating and attaching a file to the email communication event.


merge fields Within Communication Templates with Descriptions

Merge Fields Within Communication Templates

Brief Overview

Merge Fields Within Communication Templates

Brief Overview


This is the email address of the sender


This is the first name of sender (blank if the sender is a provider)


This is the last name of sender (blank if the sender is a provider)


This is a 1-pixel image that, when added to an email, will upon opening of the email by the receiver mark the email as open within the system


Student / Receiver's first name


Student / Receiver's last name


Student’s number issued by provider


The communication event/email subject



Form fields EDIT DATA RESOURCE with Descriptions

Field Name

Brief Overview

Field Name

Brief Overview


  • Template

  • Student

  • Academic

  • General

Data Resource Name

The template name as determined by the institution or the staff member who created it

Data Resource number

System allocated reference number allocated to each template


  • Email Template

  • Transition Template

  • Commitment Template

  • Assessments


  • Deactivate

  • Deleted

  • Final Draft

  • Initial Draft

  • In Progress

  • Published

  • Revised Draft



We have no plans for any new additional email merge fields at this time. More complex use cases should be handled using the Paradigm reporting engine by generating and attaching a file to the email communication event.




1. How to search for a Communication Module Template

1, 2 Choose Providers > Search Content menus on the side.

3 Enter either of these search criteria (Data Resource Name or Number, Purpose, Category, or Status).

4 Click the SEARCH DATA RESOURCE button. This will return a list of data resources/templates that meet your searched criteria.



5 You have the option to filter the returned options more by typing a keyword of the template name that you want to search. This will reduce the number of results to that keyword that you’ve entered.


6 Click the blue hyperlink on the left side of the template that you want to view.

INFO: In the sample screenshot above, since the keyword “can” has been entered, the results list has been limited to the templates which has the keyword “can” on them.


7 After clicking the template that you want to view or search, it will open the EDIT DATA RESOURCE section of that template (sample template screenshot shown below).


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2. How to add or create an Email Template

1, 2 Choose Providers > Add Content menus on the side.

3 In the EDIT DATA RESOURCE section, fill out the required fields accordingly. Refer to the guide below.



A Purpose – Select the most relevant purpose of the template from the drop-down list.

B Category – Select the most relevant category from the drop-down list.

C Data Resource Name – Enter the template name here.

D Data – Enter the body of the message or the template here. Refer to the “merge fields Within Communication Templates with Descriptions” table above under the Key Terms and Concepts section for a list of merge fields you can use in your template.

E Status – Select the status of your template here.

F Permission Level – Select the minimum permission level required to use this template.

G Template Name – *The name from this field will end up appearing in the Communication Template Message drop-downs. You can copy the same name from the data resource name field above.


4 After filling out the required fields, click the SAVE DATA RESOURCE button.


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3. How to edit an Email Template



1, 2 Choose Providers > Search Content menus on the side.

3 Enter either of these search criteria (Data Resource Name or Number, Purpose, Category, or Status).

4 Click the SEARCH DATA RESOURCE button. This will return a list of data resources / templates that meet your searched criteria.



5 You have the option to filter the returned options more by typing a keyword of the template name that you want to edit. This will reduce the number of results to that keyword that you’ve entered.


6 Click the blue hyperlink on the left side of the template that you want to edit.


7 After clicking the template that you want to edit, it will open the EDIT DATA RESOURCE section of that template (sample template screenshot shown below).

8 Edit or update the required information or fields. Refer to all the possible editable fields below (fields highlighted in RED):


A Purpose – You can edit the purpose of the template to (possible values): Email Template, Transition Template, Commitment Agreement, Student Review Template.

B Category – You can edit the category of the template to (possible values): Student, Template, Academic, General.

C Data Resource Name – You can edit the name here.

D Data – You can edit the body of the template here. Refer to the “merge fields Within Communication Templates with Descriptions” table above under the Key Terms and Concepts section for a list of merge fields you can add to your template.

E Status – You can edit the status to: Deleted, Revised Draft, etc.

F Permission Level – You can change the permission level, to whoever has the minimum required level access to access or view this template.

G Template Name – You can rename your template here.

9 After editing and updating the required fields, click the SAVE DATA RESOURCE button or the SAVE DATA RESOURCE AS NEW REVISION as required.


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Email Template Examples



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