

A provider is an organisation that has relationships to people reflecting some form of service they provide in an education context. In the context of Paradigm, the organisation is defined once as a provider. The type of provider is further distinguished through the assigning of one or more roles. This page will provide you the links of all the associated knowledge articles under the Providers Menu, and below the links are brief overviews of each sub-menu.

Complexity: Medium


Providers Menu Knowledge Articles


Providers Sub-Menus Brief Overview


The search page is for the institution and providers within your instance of Paradigm.

Add New

For adding additional institutions to Paradigm.

Edit Contact Info

The institutions contact details are stored in a similar way to that of students. From this section, the details can be updated.

Edit Details

The finer details (Roles, Edit Details, Billing, AVETMISS, Files, Notes) of the institution(s) are stored and edited from this section.


Any notes that need to be recorded or stored for institutional detail can be recorded here, including any file attachments.

Search Content

Templates used for the communication module are stored in this section.

Add Content

Templates used for the communication module are created in this section.

Edit Content

Templates used for the communication module are edited in this section.

View Content

Templates used for the communication module can be viewed in this section.