Units (Student Section)

Units (Student Section)


The article outlines detailed workflows on how to use the Units Page in Paradigm. This includes enrolling students into units, withdrawing students from units, deleting units, and transferring units from one course to another. This page also contains the function that allows you to perform bulk actions on selected units. Check the Key Terms and Concepts to learn more about fee types, etc., or you can choose from the list of how-to guides below relating to your concern with unit enrolments.

Complexity High


If you want to do bulk enrolment of students to Scheduled Units, refer to this knowledge article: How to Bulk Enrol Students to Scheduled Units.



Student > Course Enrolment > Units Menu how-to Guides

Categories: Fees >> how-to guides on payment or fees update or change

grades >> how-to guides on grades update or change

status >> how-to guides on any fields and status updates or change

process >> how-to guides on processes, e.g. enrolment, adding a course, units, etc.

Using the “Select Action to perform on Units” Menu

The guides below will help you with some BULK Units Enrolment processes using the Select Action menu:


  • The user has a high level of academic knowledge and understanding of the core, elective, prerequisites, and core-requites units;

  • The user is willing to learn both the Academic and Accounting sides of the story related to a unit enrolment; and

  • The user has an understanding of the Australian Tertiary Education System / VET Sector.




Key Terms and Concepts

Click a term or concept below to learn more about it:

Student > Course Enrolment > Units

There are 4 sections to this screen:

  • UNITS ENROLLED BY STUDENT - This is a full list of all of the units that the student has against this course including Scheduled Unit number, Unit Number, Unit Name (Title), Start Date, Census Date, End Date, Status, Institution, Funding type, Mode of Delivery and Class Number. The Units can be edited from here by clicking on the pencil icon or the action menu. These will be addressed further down in this article. You can also perform BULK Actions on unit enrolments as mentioned in the above navigation how-to guides on BULK Units Enrolment processes.



  • TCSI LOAN INFORMATION - The TCSI Student Loans Packet, for students who have accessed HELP loans

  • UNITS FINANCIAL SUMMARY INFORMATION - This section provides an overview of the student's financials at a glance, including total course fee, Amount paid, Total Fees Due, Total Discounts, and total funding.

  • ADD UNITS VIA SCHEDULED UNIT SEARCH - This Section allows the user to enrol the student into units bypassing all courses or if the restrict course plan box is ticked then the course rules will apply. This section is one of the two ways you can enrol a student into the scheduled units. The other way to enrol a student is via the Course Plan.



TCSI update has added the ability for Paradigm to download the current status of HELP loans received by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). One way to view this information in Paradigm is using the STUDENT > Course Enrolment > Units screen, see the sample screenshot below:

The loan data is re-downloaded from TCSI every 24 hours for records that meet one of the following criteria:

  • Unit enrolments last submitted to TCSI within the past 3 calendar days

  • Unit Enrolments with a census date within the past 6 months

More information about loan processing, including a list of loan status codes, is available on the TCSI Support website.



Field Name

Brief Overview

Field Name

Brief Overview

Unit Id

The Institution specific unique unit identification code.

Unit Name

The Specific name of the unit

Unit Provider

Which institution is offering the unit.

Unit Keywords

Keywords are buzz words or words associated with the area of study. This can aide in locating a unit in a particular study area / topic /field.

Start date

What date is the first day of semester / term / delivery period.

End Date

What date is the last day of semester / term / delivery period.

Unit Location

At what location is the unit being delivered.

Restrict Course Plan

This option will restrict what units are displayed according to the course rules or pre-requisites, co-requites, disallowed units, etc.


The Group , cohort or class name.

Unit Status

  • Active

  • Archived

  • Cancelled

  • Confirmed

  • Unconfirmed

Order By

  • Unit Code

  • Unit Name

  • Provider Id

  • Status Id

  • Last Modified Date

  • Unit Id


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Improved Student Session Enrolments Workflow

The STUDENT > Course Enrolment > Units screen has been upgraded to make it easier to manage student session enrolments in bulk.

Additional functionality has been added to support ad-hoc session enrolments for when a specific student must be enrolled in sessions that would otherwise break the normal session enrolment constraints.

  • The screen now shows all sessions associated with active unit enrolments in a new section

  • Staff users may use this new section to perform admin tasks associated with session enrolments across multiple unit enrolments

  • Staff users may also use this new section to break the normal rules around session group and session class to accommodate unique student requirements

See the sample screenshot below. This section is under the CLASS TIMES of the Student >Course Enrolment > Units screen.

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Fee payment information

Field Name

Element Number

Brief Overview

Field Name

Element Number

Brief Overview

Unit Fee


The amount pre-programmed into the Fees table for units with the Course of Enrolment.

HEIMS Loan Fee


The Government charge of 25% of the unit fee for using Fee-HELP. If the student makes any upfront payments the loan fee is 25% of the amount deferred to HELP.

Amount Received

The total amount received for this unit of study (Fee-HELP+ Upfront Payments+ Subsidy).

Upfront Payment


Amount paid to the institution and not deferred to help.

Funding Type

Payment method used for students tuition fees.

Funding Amount


The Amount deferred to HELP.

Subsidy Type

Scholarships, discounts or levies paid to the institution for the students tuition.

Subsidy Amount

Scholarships, discounts or levies paid to the institution for the students tuition.

Payment Date

The date payment is received for tuition.

Amount Due

The Current Amount outstanding for the students tuition fees.

HEIMS Student Status


A code that indicates how a student will be discharging their tuition balance, for example if they are paying upfront or deferring some or all of their tuition fee to the government via a funding scheme.


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Fee Types and Funding Amounts

Within the Fee and Funding fields there are 5 fields that provide vital information for the Accounting Section of the System:

Field Name

Brief Description

Field Name

Brief Description

Unit Fee

The Amount Charged for the unit of Study regardless of funding type.

Amount Received

The Total amount received from all payment methods towards this unit of study. Once all payments types have been received this amount and the unit Fee Amount should be the same, thereby paying off the unit.

Subsidy Amount*

Any discounts, Scholarships or other fee reduction amounts paid on the students behalf.

Upfront Payment*

The Amount the student has elected to pay upfront (either as pre-payment or by promised amount).

Funding Amount*

The Amount the Government is going to pay on the students behalf (excluding any loan fee amounts).



The HEIMS Loan fee is calculated by percentage of the Unit fee and is reporting as part of HEPCAT / TCSI reporting, this amount is not collected by the institution.

*These fields [referring to the fields with * symbol in the above table] are revenue sources, the sum of these three fields should always equal to the amount received or the Unit Fee.

When entering data into these fields it is important to take into account the funding type. If the Student is upfront the Funding Amount (Fee-HELP/ HECS-HELP) field must be zero.

However if the Student is Fee-HELP/ HECS-HELP, the student can make a partial payment and defer the remainder to HELP.


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Excluded Fields from Transfer Credits between Courses


Related How-To Guide: how to Transfer Units from One Course to Another

When you perform the task of transferring a student’s units from one course to another and you select the bulk select actions ‘Transfer Credit the selected units to the degree’. The following listed fields are excluded from this action:

Label ID

Field Name

Label ID

Field Name


read only - system populated field


read only - system populated field


read only - system populated field


read only - system populated field


read only - system populated field


read only - system populated field






Grade Release Date


Student status code


HEIMS Census Date

destLastSubmitted (TCSI)

HEIMS Validation Status

destLastSubmittedStatus (TCSI)

HEIMS Last Validated

destUid16 (TCSI)

TCSI Unique Identifier







entityExtraValuesId (TCSI)



Final Grade Percentage


CRM Entity Type Id


CRM Entity Id


External Entity Type Id


External Entity Id


Remote SMS Entity ID


SMS Entity Type Id


SMS Entity Id

Read Only

Read Only


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When you receive payments from students, do not update the 'Amount Received' field manually. Only update the  'Amount Received' field, when you are not going to record the scholarships as a line item.




Student Unit Enrolment how-to Guides

process >> 01.How to Enrol a Student into a Scheduled Unit

There are two ways you can enrol a student into scheduled units: (1) via the ADD UNITS VIA SCHEDULED UNIT SEARCH section – refer to the instructions below, and (2) via the Course Plan, refer to the Manage Course Outlines article for the instructions on how you can create or add a Course Plan in Paradigm, and on Student > Course Enrolment > Course Plan article on how to enrol a student via the Course Plan menu.



STEP 1 Load the student’s record.

1 Go to Student > Search > Enter either the student number or name. > Click Search.


2 Once you’ve found the student, click the blue hyperlink Student Number under the Student No column to load the Student Summary page.




STEP 2 Enrol a student into a scheduled unit.


3 After loading the student’s record, choose the Student > Course Enrolment > Units menus on the side. It will then load a page with all the units enrolled by the student under the UNITS ENROLLED BY STUDENT Form section.


4 Once the Units page has been loaded, scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for the ADD UNITS VIA SCHEDULED UNIT SEARCH Form section.

Enter any combination of Unit Code, Unit Name, Unit Provider, Start Date, End Date (Paradigm requires at least one search criteria) and click the restrict Course Plan option if required. By checking the Restrict Course Plan checkbox, only the scheduled units which are added to your Course Plan will be included in the search result along with your other criteria.


5 After you apply your filters, click the SEARCH SCHEDULED UNIT button.


6 After clicking the SEARCH SCHEDULED UNIT button, a table will appear at the bottom of the page with all the possible lists of the Scheduled Units you’ve searched. Click on either the Add Unit icon (if only one unit is required) or the Checkboxes next to all of the required units.

7 After checking all the units that you are intending the student to be enrolled in, click the ENROL INTO SELECTED SCHEDULED UNITS button.



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process >> 1.1 How to Manage Session Enrolments

Paradigm has now an expanded workflow for managing session enrolments as an ADMIN.

  • The screen now shows all sessions associated with active unit enrolments in a new section

  • Staff users may use this new section to perform admin tasks associated with session enrolments across multiple unit enrolments

  • Staff users may also use this new section to break the normal rules around session group and session class to accommodate unique student requirements

1 With the student record loaded in the system, choose Student > Course Enrolment > Units menus on the side. Go to the CLASS TIMES section.

This screen shows the breakdown of all the sessions associated with the student’s currently enrolled units.

Select the required sessions you want the student to be enrolled into.

2 After selecting the required sessions, click the UPDATE SESSION ENROLMENTS button.


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process >> 1.2 How to Update Session Enrolments

Paradigm has now an expanded workflow for managing session enrolments as an ADMIN.

  • The screen now shows all sessions associated with active unit enrolments in a new section

  • Staff users may use this new section to perform admin tasks associated with session enrolments across multiple unit enrolments

  • Staff users may also use this new section to break the normal rules around session group and session class to accommodate unique student requirements

1 With the student record loaded in the system, choose Student > Course Enrolment > Units menus on the side. Find the target unit enrolment(s), click on the ACTIONS button, and select the Session Enrolment from the dropdown.

2 Find the target unit enrolment(s), click on the ACTIONS button, and select the Session Enrolment from the dropdown.

3 Scroll to the Class Times section, tick/untick the selection subject to each individual circumstance.

4 Click the UPDATE SESSION button.


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Using The “Select Action to perform on Units Menu

The guides below will help you with some BULK Units Enrolment processes using the Select Action menu:


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