Adding new appointments within your Paradigm Session/Event is possible as long as you are allowing the student to attend ALL of the new appointments that you’ve added under that session/event. Note that when you are using the Session Group/Class in your scheduling, all the new appointments added within a Paradigm Session/Event will automatically inherit the group and class number values being set for that session/event. This knowledge article will discuss all the possible features available under the Rapla Appointments section.
When creating sessions with the group and class number values in Rapla with multiple appointments, and you don’t want the student to attend ALL of the appointment series in that session/event, you have to make sure that each unique group and class number combination is created as one Paradigm Session/Event. Each new appointment created within a session/event will inherit the group and class number values being set for that session/event.
If you happen to have already synced your Rapla sessions/events into Paradigm and you are planning to do a resync due to some changes in your sessions, please refer to this knowledge article for the implications: Level of impact on various changes to the Rapla event details.
Add New Appointment
Delete Appointment
If you have already synced to Paradigm the appointment that you want to delete in Rapla, the synced appointment will not automatically be deleted in Paradigm once you do a resync after the delete action in Rapla. If you want to get rid of the appointment/session, delete the sessions in Paradigm first before you delete the appointment in Rapla and do the resync.
Free Appointment
Adding Exceptions
If you have already synced the Session/Event to Paradigm, the exceptions that you are going to add will automatically be deleted in Paradigm once you do a resync with the changes from Rapla to Paradigm.
Convert to Single Events
If you have already synced the Session/Event to Paradigm, converting a repeating Appointment into single events will create a whole new set of Session line in the Course Plan menu for the student to enrol, leaving the previously repeating appointment intact. To avoid duplicates, delete the sessions previously synced and convert the appointment into single events in Rapla before attempting to resync.