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This page contains snippets and blocks of code that are useful for editing iReport XML templates.

Difficulty: EXPERT

Page Contents


  • You have full admin access to ParadigmEMS

  • You are a competent user of ParadigmEMS

  • You have already downloaded Jasper iReport v3.0



Use the following as a checklist before uploading a modified iReport template into Paradigm

1. Never change the report file name
2. Only full admin users can edit reports
3. Compile before uploading a changed document
4. Make sure all elements are NOT bordered in red as that suggests the element is not positioned correctly
5. Do not move elements or fields out of their default bands

Java Conditions

new Boolean($P{letterNumber}.equalsIgnoreCase("1st")||$P{letterNumber}.equalsIgnoreCase("2nd"))
new Boolean ( ! $F{provider_code}.equals( "Morling" ) )
new Boolean( $V{amountDueTotal}.compareTo( new Double (0.00) ) > 0 )
new Boolean ( $V{PAGE_NUMBER}.toString() == "1" )
new Boolean ($F{chessn}!=null && !$P{unitEnrolmentEndDate}.equals(""))
new Boolean ( $F{course_level}.equals("VET"))
new Boolean ( $F{enrolment_status_id}.equals( "ENROLMENT_COMPLETED" ) )


new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMMM yyyy").format( new Date())

new java.util.Date(2017, 1, 1)
"Teaching Period: " + new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMMM yyyy").format( $F{current_semester_name} )

new SimpleDateFormat("EEEEE, dd MMMMM yyyy").parse($P{todaysDate})
new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").format($P{report_date})
"Admitted to the "+$F{course_name}+" on "+new SimpleDateFormat("MMMMM dd, yyyy").format($F{course_enrolment_start_date})


"You currently owe: $" + new DecimalFormat("###0.00").format($V{amountDueTotal}).toString()


"Total credit points required: " + new DecimalFormat("0").format($F{credit_points_required}).toString()

( $V{gpa_total}==null ? new Double (0) : $V{gpa_total} )

Static Field Formatting

Inline Casting of Fields

"Accumulated grade point average: " + ( $V{gpa_total}==null ? "0.00" : new DecimalFormat("0.00").format($V{gpa_total}).toString() )


Example: $V{studentFormalName}.toUpperCase()

Text Field Formatting

Be Advised

Select the Text field in target, right click and go Properties. In the Font tab of the field's Properties window, set the "is styled text" to true, and in the Markup drop down, select the "HTML" option. "Is styled text" is now deprecated but still functions.


<style isBold=\"true\" pdfFontName=\"Helvetica-Bold\"> This becomes bold </style>


<style isUnderline=\"true\" >Underline me! </style>


<style isItalic=\"true\" pdfFontName=\"Helvetica-Oblique\"> I'm leaning to one side </style>


<style forecolor=\"#0000ff\"> Colour me surprised </style>



The hyperlinkTarget attribute behaves in the same way as the target attribute in HTML. Note that only textFields, images, and charts can be hyperlinked in this way.

To make a textField a hyperlink to an external URL, you need to add the attribute hyperlinkType="Reference" to the element, and add a <hyperlinkReferenceExpression> tag within it. The reference expression is where you put the URL. For example:

<textField hyperlinkType="Reference" hyperlinkTarget="Blank">
    <reportElement x="5" y="5" width="200" height="15"/>
    <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA["Click Here!"]]></textFieldExpression>

Escaping Double Quote

"Thank you for your application for enrolment at Group Colleges Australia (\"GCA\")  Pty Ltd trading as Universal Business School Sydney (UBSS)."

Escaping Special Characters

Replace "&" with "&"
"<style isBold=\"true\" pdfFontName=\"Helvetica-Bold\">" +$F{edu_other_unit_id}.trim() + "</style> (" + $F{unit_name}.replaceAll("&","&amp;") + ")"

MSWord Entities

Replacing fancy quotes and long dash
REGEXP_REPLACE(REGEXP_REPLACE(ce.content, '&[lr]dquo;', '"', 'g'), '&ndash;', '-', 'g') as content,

Sample Dynamic Where Clauses

( $P{eduProgramEnrolmentId}==null || $P{eduProgramEnrolmentId}.equals("") ? "" : " AND epe.edu_program_enrolment_id = '"+$P{eduProgramEnrolmentId}+"'" ) +
( $P{academicTermId}==null || $P{academicTermId}.equals("") ? "" : " AND tp.custom_time_period_id = '"+$P{academicTermId}+"'" ) +
( $P{courseId}==null || $P{courseId}.equals("") ? "" : " AND epe.edu_program_id = '"+$P{courseId}+"'" ) +
( $P{providerId}==null || $P{providerId}.equals("") ? "" : " AND epe.home_institution_party_id = '"+$P{providerId}+"'" ) +
( $P{studentNumber}==null || $P{studentNumber}.equals("") ? "" : " AND lsi.student_number = '"+$P{studentNumber}+"'" ) +
( $P{censusPeriodId}==null || $P{censusPeriodId}.equals("") ? "" : " AND esu.dest_census_date IN "+$P{censusPeriodId}) +
( $P{censusDateFrom}==null || $P{censusDateFrom}.equals("") ? "" : " AND esu.dest_census_date >= '"+$P{censusDateFrom}+"'" ) +
( $P{censusDateTo}==null || $P{censusDateTo}.equals("") ? "" : " AND esu.dest_census_date <= '"+$P{censusDateTo}+"'" ) +
( $P{unitEnrolmentStatus}==null || $P{unitEnrolmentStatus}.equals("") ? "" : " AND eue.enrolment_status_id IN "+$P{unitEnrolmentStatus} )
+((($P{eduProgramEnrolmentId}==null || $P{eduProgramEnrolmentId}.equals(""))&&
  ($P{academicTermId}==null || $P{academicTermId}.equals(""))&&
  ($P{courseId}==null || $P{courseId}.equals(""))&&
  ($P{providerId}==null || $P{providerId}.equals(""))&&
  ($P{studentNumber}==null || $P{studentNumber}.equals(""))&&
  ($P{censusDateFrom}==null || $P{censusDateFrom}.equals(""))&&
  ($P{censusDateTo}==null || $P{censusDateTo}.equals(""))&&
  ($P{censusPeriodId}==null || $P{censusPeriodId}.equals(""))&&
  ($P{unitEnrolmentStatus}==null || $P{unitEnrolmentStatus}.equals("")))?" AND epe.edu_program_enrolment_id='No Parameters'":"")

Sample Address Blocks

Residential Address:
$F{first_name}+" "+$F{last_name}+"\n"+
($F{residential_street_subaddress} != null && !$F{residential_street_subaddress}.equals("") ? $F{residential_street_subaddress}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") + "/" : "") +
($F{residential_street_number} != null && !$F{residential_street_number}.equals("") ? $F{residential_street_number}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") + " " : "") +
($F{residential_street_name} != null && !$F{residential_street_name}.equals("") ? $F{residential_street_name}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") + '\n' : "") +
($F{residential_city} != null && !$F{residential_city}.equals("") ? $F{residential_city}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") + ", \t" : "") + 
($F{residential_state_abbreviation}!= null && !$F{residential_state_abbreviation}.equals("") ? $F{residential_state_abbreviation}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") + " ": "") +
($F{residential_postal_code}!= null && !$F{residential_postal_code}.equals("") ? $F{residential_postal_code}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") + " ": "") +
($F{residential_country_geo_id} != null && !$F{residential_country_geo_id}.equals("") && !$F{residential_country_geo_id}.equals("AUSTRALIA") && !$F{residential_country_geo_id}.equals("AUS") ? "\n" + $F{residential_country_geo_id}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") : "")

Billing Address:
$F{first_name}+" "+$F{last_name}+"\n"+
($F{billing_street_subaddress} != null && !$F{billing_street_subaddress}.equals("") ? $F{billing_street_subaddress}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") + "/" : "") +
($F{billing_street_number} != null && !$F{billing_street_number}.equals("") ? $F{billing_street_number}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") + " " : "") +
($F{billing_street_name} != null && !$F{billing_street_name}.equals("") ? $F{billing_street_name}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") + '\n' : "") +
($F{billing_city} != null && !$F{billing_city}.equals("") ? $F{billing_city}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") + ", \t" : "") + 
($F{billing_state_abbreviation}!= null && !$F{billing_state_abbreviation}.equals("") ? $F{billing_state_abbreviation}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") + " ": "") +
($F{billing_postal_code}!= null && !$F{billing_postal_code}.equals("") ? $F{billing_postal_code}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") + " ": "") +
($F{billing_country_geo_id} != null && !$F{billing_country_geo_id}.equals("") && !$F{billing_country_geo_id}.equals("AUSTRALIA") && !$F{billing_country_geo_id}.equals("AUS") ? "\n" + $F{billing_country_geo_id}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") : "")

($F{billing_property_name} != null ? $F{billing_property_name}  + "\n" : "") +
($F{billing_street_subaddress} != null ? $F{billing_street_subaddress} + " " : "") +
($F{billing_postal_subaddress} != null ? $F{billing_postal_subaddress} + " " : "") +
($F{billing_street_subaddress} != null || $F{billing_street_subaddress} != null ? "\n" : "")+
($F{billing_street_number} != null ? $F{billing_street_number} + " " : "") +
($F{billing_street_name} != null ? $F{billing_street_name} + "\n" : "") +
($F{billing_city} != null ? $F{billing_city} + " " : "") +
($F{billing_state_province_geo_id} != null ? $F{billing_state_province_geo_id} + " " : ($F{billing_state_abbreviation} != null ? $F{billing_state_abbreviation} + " " : " ")) +
($F{billing_postal_code} != null ? $F{billing_postal_code} + "\n" : "") +
($F{billing_country_name} != null ? $F{billing_country_name} + "\n" : "")

($F{billing_address1} != null ? $F{billing_address1}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") + '\n' : "") +
($F{billing_address2} != null ? $F{billing_address2}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") + '\n' : "") +
($F{billing_city} != null ? $F{billing_city}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") + '\t' : "") + "  " +
($F{billing_state} != null ? $F{billing_state_abbrev}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") + "   " : ($F{billing_state}!=null ? $F{billing_state}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") + "   " : "")) +
($F{billing_postal_code} != null ? $F{billing_postal_code}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") : "") +
($F{billing_country} != null && !$F{billing_country}.equals("AUSTRALIA") ? "\n" + $F{billing_country}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") : "")

($F{postal_address1} != null ? $F{postal_address1}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") + '\n' : "") +
($F{postal_address2} != null ? $F{postal_address2}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") + '\n' : "") +
($F{postal_city} != null ? $F{postal_city}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") + '\t' : "") + "  " +
($F{postal_state} != null ? $F{postal_state_abbrev}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") + "   " : ($F{postal_state}!=null ? $F{postal_state}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") + "   " : "")) +
($F{postal_state_abbrev} != null ? $F{postal_state_abbrev}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") : "") +
($F{postal_country} != null && !$F{postal_country}.equals("AUSTRALIA") ? "\n" + $F{postal_country}.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'") : "")

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