After adding all the units and formatting the contents of your Course Outline, some units would require another unit for it to exist or become an allowable unit option for a student to enrol. Establishing the relationship between units can be done by adding constraints. This Knowledge Article will guide you on how to add a prerequisite, corequisite, disallowed, substitute, and required units to your course plan.
🎞 Video Tutorial Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFjtpr7sAN4
The instructions below assume that all units or subjects that define a Course are already added in the system. If this is not the case, start by adding all the units first. You can refer to this page: https://silverband.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DPG/pages/1463976009 for the instructions.
It might be useful to have a test student within the system who can be enrolled into the new course to visualise the course plan as it is built.
Video Tutorial
Introduction to Course Plan | 1. Course Outline Basics | 2. Adding Core and Elective Units | 3. Arranging Content on the Course Plan | 4. Adding Constraints