Versions Compared


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Comparison Operators


Like is a wildcard value. This will return values that contain a pattern match.


Example 1

“Suburb” Like B (will return Broadview, Broadmeadows, Brighton)

Not Like

Displays records if a condition is not TRUE or don’t match the selected pattern match.


Example 1

“Surname” NOT LIKE Smith (will return other surnames like: Jones, Brown, Davies except for Smith)

Field Equals (=)

Compares the contents of one field with if the same or equal to another field. Note that the fields used here do not need to be added to the report


Example 1

“Country” Field Equals (=) “Billing Country” will return data which has the same country and billing country information

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 Sample Output 

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Field Not Equals !=


Example 1

  Will return data or information with a field not equal to the other field.

Example 1

“Country” Field Not Equals (=) “Billing Country” will return data which has a country not equal or the same as the billing country

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Sample Output

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Field Greater Than (>)

  Will return data or information with a field greater than the other field.

Example 1 

“Withdrawal Date” Field Greater Than (>) “Dest Census Date will return data which has a withdrawal date greater than the Dest Census Date.

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Sample Output

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Field Less Than (<)


Example 1


Field Greater Than Equal To (>=)


Example 1

 Will return data or information with a field greater or equal to the other field. The difference with this and the Field Greater Than (>) operator is that this would include the field which is also equal to the other field.

Example 1

“Withdrawal Date” Field Greater Than Equal To (>=) “Dest Census Date will return data which has a withdrawal date greater than or equal to the Dest Census Date.

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Sample Output

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Field Less Than Equal to (<=)

Will return data or information with a field less than or equal to the other field. The difference with this and the Field Less Than (>) operator is that this would include the field which is also equal to the other field.

Example 1