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To access the Accounting Menu in Paradigm, it is assumed that you have the minimum required level access, and an understanding that making changes within this section have wider system implications. The Accounting Section of the system is only accessible by Flex Admin, Full Admin, and Accounting Level Access.

After you’ve found your record, you can go through the details of the student financial record by selecting each of the following accounting sub-menus in Paradigm:


Once a record has been loaded this is a brief overview of the students record. It is similar to that Student Summary Screen, it contains a reduced overview of the students record including the Course(s) enrolled by the student, last 10 unit enrolments, last 10 Invoices, the last 10 payments, and a summary the Students contact information.


This Section and the Scholarship section within the Student Tab are the same.

Other Accounting Menus:

Search Payments

Paradigm will give you the option to search payments with the following criteria: Payment ID, Reference Number, Payment Type, Payment Method, Effective From and To Dates, Status, To Party ID, Created From and To Dates, and Created by User Login.

Edit Products

This section will let you search for all the possible default and previously added products you can invoice in Paradigm. You can also ADD NEW PRODUCT on this section.

Revenue Types

Field Name

Brief Description


Amount paid by the provider - Scholarships, Internal payments, or “discounts”.


Amount paid by the Government - FEE-HELP / HECS-HELP


Amount paid by the student - Cash, Credit card, Cheque, EFT
