Understanding the User Interface

Understanding the User Interface


The Accounting menu in Paradigm starts with the student search screen where you can search a specific student record for you to create and pay an invoice, etc. A student can be searched for by Student Number, Preferred name, Given name, Family name (Surname), Previous Last Name, Home Institution, and Status. Results can also be ordered by Student Number, First Name, Last Name, Status Id, or Last-Modified date. However, if you have a student record loaded in the system from the Student menu, you can just immediately check the financial details by going to the Summary menu.

After you’ve found your record, you can go through the details of the student financial record by selecting each of the following accounting sub-menus in Paradigm:

Other Accounting Menus:

Expand the section below for an overview on how to SORT DATA IN TABLES in Paradigm:

How to Sort Data in Tables

INFO Sorting Table Contents in Paradigm

Paradigm data table contents can be grouped or sorted by clicking the up (▲) and down (▼) arrow next to any of the table column headings or on the column heading itself. The column heading that has the solid arrow (▼) is what the table is sorted by. In the sample screenshot below, the table is sorted by invoice type. Other ways to sort this table is by ID, Invoice Type, Description, From and To Party, Date, Status, Total, Applied, and Owing (based on the table headings.) The same applies to sorting any tables in Paradigm.

Overview on Sorting Data in Tables
Accounting Interface Overview




Accounting Summary


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