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title | 2. Send Bulk Communications WITH Attachments to the Bulk List of Students/Recipients |
Send Bulk Communications WITH Attachments
Image AddedClick on the Student tab from the menu. Click on the Communication Event option in the menu (or click on the Hat icon at the top left hand corner of the screen and then click on the Communication option) Enter the Communication Name, which will become the subject of the email, e.g. CAN - Semester 1 2018. Select the Communication Type, e.g. Email. Select a Communication Template Message for the body of the email Edit the Communication Description/Email Body field to add in any additional information or updates to the body of the message. You may choose to include options from Table 2 above (each wrapped inside curly braces eg. {email_first_name} {email_last_name} ), or add text that is to appear in the main body of your email. Set the Communication Status to Sent from the drop down menu. Click the Save New Communications for Loaded Students button. Click the Reports tab from the menu Click on the Letters option from the menu Scroll to the Commonwealth Assistance Notice report and click the Get Report button Check the parameters in the report section and click the Create Report for Communication Events button. This will take some time to complete, while each report is generated individually. The progress bar provides an indication of the rate of progress. Click on the Page icon to check the CAN notices are for the correct period and are attached for the correct person for a few of the records. Click on the tick boxes for the ones that are to be sent. Click on the Email Selected Recipients with Attachments button. This will take time to complete. The emails have now been sent. Check the status of the sent emails to verify whether any have not been successfully sent. These will need to be either resent or posted.
3 Without Attachment Workflow Continuation from Workflow 1
Sample Use Case:
The expand section below will give you a sample workflow (sending bulk communication emails) as one of the many bulk activities you can do in Paradigm with the use of the Report Builder menu.
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title | Expand this section for the instructions on how to send bulk communications in Paradigm. |
Video Tutorial Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IV-T111GuE Related Knowledge Articles: Bulk Course Edit, Bulk Generate Invoice, Communication Event
Workflow Make sure that there is no student currently loaded in the system Check above the Dashboard menu in Paradigm if you can see a student detail. If there is not, you can proceed with the instructions. If there is Image Added, unload the student record by choosing Student > Search menus on the side. Check if the Census Date is updated to the current period , , Choose System > Edit Time Period > Set Type: Census Period. Click the SEARCH TIME PERIODS button. Image Added Generate a group of recipients to your email using Report Builder, refer to the Workflowinstructions above. Create a Communication Event Follow the rest of the instructions on this article: Communication Event to proceed with sending bulk communications to your selected or newly created recipients.Video Tutorial Widget Connector |
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