One of the most important tasks to do in Paradigm is adding new student information. It also comes with the responsibility of entering the right information to comply with your business or institution, and the government reporting requirements. This knowledge article will give you all the mandatory requirements information for compliance, a detailed workflow on how to Add a New Student record to the system, additional guides on how to print a student card, etc. – all under the Workflow section.
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title | Add New Student Record in Paradigm fields and buttons |
NOTE: The pages, fields and buttons that you can see, and the items you can edit, are based on: How the Paradigm system is configured for your institution; The options that are made available by your institution; and The access level assigned to you by the "nominated contact person" or other Paradigm expert, according to your permission needs.
For more information please contact your "nominated contact person" or other Paradigm expert. Warning |
WARNING: Fields in RED are mandatory/required/important fields that cannot be left blank. |
Status |
colour | Blue |
title | Form fields |
| Add New Student Record in ParadigmSTUDENT DETAILS |
TCSI: Student UID | UID8 | Returned UID from TCSI for a validated student record | Student No | E313 | System-assigned or your insititution’s allocated student number | CHESSN No | E488 | will be replaced by USI.https://www.studyassist.gov.au/help-loans/your-chessn https://www.usi.gov.au/ | Student Internal Paradigm ID | | System-generated unique number once a student is added to the system. | Old Student No | | | USI Student Number | | https://www.usi.gov.au/ | USI Verified Date | | | Title | | a title provided by the student | Suffix | | | Given Names | E403 | First Name | Middle Names | | | Preferred Name | | a student's preferred name or a nickname | Family Name | E402 | Last Name | Printed Name | | is the name that will appear in official reports/documents or transcripts, this is also relevant to those individuals who have a ceremonial title | Single Name | | see Data Entry Notes on Single Name section. | Previous First Name | | Any other names that the student has used or has been known to use. These fields were formally used in the “Edit HEIMS” section, which was retired once TCSI was implemented. | Previous Other Given Name | | Previous Last Name | | Address | | from the Edit Contact Info > Residential address | Permanent Address | | from the Edit Contact Info > Billing address | Email | | from the Edit Contact Info : Email field | HEIMS Loan Balance | | | Read Only | | if checked, will disable editing of the record except for FULL ADMIN users |
Date of Birth | E314 | Format: dd/mm/year, e.g. 24/02/1980. | Gender | E315 | student gender based on his/her birth certificate or any proof of identity | Select Pronouns | | see Student Pronouns in the newly added field section | Home Institution | E306 | this section should be set/pre-filled already to your institution’s name as part of the onboarding process, except if you have multiple campuses | Status | | Student Record status should be set as: Active, Alumni, Applied, Suspended, etc., | Study Interests | | | Qualifications | | | Citizenship | E358 | student citizenship in their legal proof / supporting documents | Tax File Number | | | Where Did You Hear About Us? | | Website | Referral | etc. | Secondary School | | Australia Secondary Schools list | Library Card No | | | Student Card Requested | | | Drivers Licence Number | | | Emergency Contact Relationship | | | Special Needs | | | Special Needs Requirements | | | Alumni | | Yes | No | Last Confirmed Date | | | COVID Vaccinated | | | COVID Passport Last Cited Date | | | Disability Type Identifier | | | TCSI Last Validated Status | | | TCSI Last Validated Date | | |
Overseas Student | | YES = students who are not considered domestic for TCSI reporting NO = students who are considered domestic for TCSI reporting Refer to the government’s definition of a Domestic Student:https://www.tcsisupport.gov.au/glossary/glossaryterm/Domestic%20student This field is also used to cross-validate government reportable field values | VISA Required | | | VISA Type | | | VISA Application | | | VISA Number | | | VISA Expiry | | | VISA Condition Reason | | | VISA Condition Reported | | | CoE Number | | Certificate of Enrolment given to international students information may alternatively be tracked against the course enrolment, see How to Add a New CoE | Date of CoE | | Passport Number | | | Passport Expiry | | | Overseas Health Cover Required | | | Overseas Health Cover | | | Overseas Health Cover Type | | | OSHC From Date | | | Overseas Health Cover Expiry Date | | |
IELTS Listening Score | | | IELTS Reading Score | | | IELTS Writing Score | | | IELTS Speaking Score | | | IELTS Overall Score | | | IELTS Test Date | | | Language and Literacy Indicator | | | Numeracy Indicator | | | Literacy Working Level | | | Literacy Edit Level | | | Literacy Scale | | | Literacy Test Date | | | Numeracy Working Level | | | Numeracy Exit Level | | | Numeracy Scale | | | Numeracy Test Date | | | TOEFL Overall Score | | | TOEFL Test Date | | | Other English Overall Score | | | Other English Test Date | | | Completed a Year 12 English Equivalent? | | |
In which Country are you Born | | | At School Flag | | | Client Identifier - New Apprenticeships | | | Disability Type Identifier | | | High School Level Completed | | | Indigenous Status Identifier | | | Labour Force Status Identifier | | | Main Language Other Than English Spoken At Home Identifier | | | Prior Educational Achievement Flag | | | Prior Educational Achievement Identifier | | | Proficiency in Spoken English Identifier | | | Year Highest School Level Completed | | | Client Industry of Employment | | | Client Occupation Identifier | | | Prior Educational Achievement Recognition Identifier | | | Survey Contact Status | | |
Attachment Number | | | Attachment Size | | | Entity Type | | | Entity Id | | | File Name | | | Media Type | | | Original File Name | | | Purpose | | | Category | | | Revision Number | | | Name | | | Description | | | Status | | | Permission Level | | | Upload File | | |
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Status |
colour | Green |
| Previous Names Made AvailableWe made these three fields available in the section labelled: STUDENT DETAILS NOTE: These fields were formally used in the “Edit HEIMS” section, which was retired once TCSI was implemented. Status |
colour | Green |
| COVID Vaccination Status Tracking
Additional fields have been added to support providers with government-mandated requirements to track details regarding COVID vaccination status. These fields are available on the following screens: The fields have also been added to the following base reports within Report Builder: Note that these new fields have been deployed hidden and will need to be set to visible by editing the following form fields, see Making a Form Field Visible in Paradigm: Status |
colour | Green |
| Student Pronouns
The pronoun of a student may now be tracked on the following screens: Image RemovedImage AddedThis new field has been deployed hidden. To use this field set the following form field to visible, see Making a Form Field Visible in Paradigm: To customise the Code Item, search for the PERSON_PRONOUN Code Type, see Search, Add and Edit Code Item in Paradigm. back to top |
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title | Student Record Data-Entry Levels of Completeness |
Status |
colour | Red |
title | Mandatory info |
| Student Record Data-Entry Levels of Completeness
Note |
BE ADVISED: The required field names in the table below with their equivalent TCSI codes are all subject to change. We would always recommend letting you use the Toggle Element Help menu when doing data entry as your guide. |
Key: X = Mandatory, O = Optional Required Fields | | | | | | | |
Student Details Section |
TCSI Student Uid | | | | | | | |
Student Number E313 | X1 | X1 | X1 | X | X | X | X |
CHESSN E488 | | | | | | | |
Internal Paradigm Id | | | | | | | |
First Name E404 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Middle Names | | | | | | | |
Last Name E402 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Email Address | | X | X | O | O | O | O |
Date of Birth E314 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Gender E315 | | | X | X | X | X | X |
Status | X | X | X | O | O | O | O |
Student Provider E306 | X | X | X | X | X | X | |
Citizenship E358 | | | X | X | X | X | X |
Semester / Term / Current Address E410, E469, E470 | | | X | X | X | X | X |
Emergency Contact Address | | | O | | | | O |
Overseas Student | X in TCSI | X | X | | | | X |
USI Number | | | | X | | | |
USI Verified Date | | | | X | | | |
CHESSN Number | | | | | X | X | |
Are you of Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent? E316 | | | | | X | X | |
In what country are you living THIS semester? E319 | | | | | X | X | |
In what country is your permanent home residence? E320 | | | | | X | X | |
In which country were you born? E346 | | | | | X | X | |
Select where you were born and the year of arrival in Australia if not born in Australia E347 | | | | | X | X | |
Do you speak a language other than English at your PERMANENT home residence? (E348) *Languages are sorted Alphabetically with English hardcoded to appear first. | | | | | X | X | |
Do you have a disability, impairment, or long term medical condition that may affect your studies? (Multiple options) (E386) | | | | | X Retired | X | |
The total EFTSU value that has been consumed at previous universities by a student who was enrolled in those universities under the Research Training Scheme (RTS) and who is enrolled at the current university under the same scheme. (E460) | | | | | X Retired | X | |
The Separation status of a student enrolled in a Higher Degree Research course (E465) | | | | | X Retired | X | |
The Australian postcode of your permanent home residence in the last year of secondary school for Domestic school leaver undergraduate commencers (E476) | | | | | X Retired | X | |
The name of town where you completed your secondary studies? (E486) | | | | | X Retired | X | |
A code which indicates your highest educational attainment and year of attainment prior to the first enrolment in the course (E493) | | | | | X Retired | X | |
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title | Student Number Data Entry Notes |
Status |
colour | Purple |
title | a NOTE ON |
| Student Number
Note |
BE ADVISED: Student numbers assigned by the system may be overridden by a user with sufficient level of system access |
NOTE: If a student number is not supplied, the system will generate one - based on the next number in a predetermined sequence. For more information, refer to the section below Warning |
WARNING: Each student number must be unique. A student number must not be reallocated or reused under any circumstances. |
New student numbers may be assigned automatically by the system when a new student is created based on a number sequence that automatically increments after each new number is assigned. The number itself may also be given the following features: The text prefix is something that would not change over time. The year prefix if used is calculated by the system based on the year when the student number was generated. From January to September the system will issue a year prefix based on the current year. From 1st October the system will automatically start issuing student numbers based on the upcoming new year. TCSI ReportingProviders who wish to retain and use test accounts within Paradigm are advised to update the student number field to ensure that the record is never reported via TCSI. The system will prevent test students from being reported via TCSI Reporting > Bulk Push. How to make the student record not reportable to TCSI
System users/providers need to update the Student Number field (Student > Edit Details) to be the format: “A” + Student Internal Paradigm ID For example: back to top |
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title | 1. How to Add a New Student record |
How to a New Student Record Enter all the required, and available information to create a student record. , , Choose the Student > Student Details > Add New menus on the side. By doing the steps above, it will then load the ADD NEW page with all the fields required and available to enter for a student record in the system. Refer to the Add New Student Record in Paradigm table above for a brief description of each field. When you have entered all the required and available information, click the SAVE STUDENT button to save your changes.NOTE: If your institution is a VET Provider and the student record you are currently adding is a VET student, fill out the VET STUDENTS ONLY Form section. Info |
INFO: You can also add file attachments related to this student record below the page. Just click the ADD FILE ATTACHMENT button. | Add the student’s address information.
Refer to the workflow in this article: Student - Edit Contact Info Edit, add and verify the remaining student details against government reporting requirements. After adding all the contact details of the student, click the Edit Details menu on the side again to go back to the student details page. Enter the remaining student details and information that will satisfy all the requirements of a Government Reporting Compliant Record, according to the mandatory and optional fields [Level of Completeness] shown in the Student Record Requirements table above. After entering and verifying all the required information against the government reporting requirements, click the SAVE STUDENT button to save the record. Tip |
Congratulations, you just created a new student record in Paradigm, a success message the same as below will display at the top of the page. |
Alternatively, you can watch the demo clip below for an overview of a student record workflows: StudentWorkflowsDemo.mp4back to top |
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