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Upon completion of this KB the user will understand how to Search, Add new and Edit Providers records within Paradigm.


Key terms and concepts

Search Fields

Field NameBrief Overview
Organisation NameThis is the Full name / title of an Institution within Paradigm. This name will use where ever the full title of the institution is required.
Institution StatusThe status of the institution Active or Archived
Abbreviated NameEach institution is given an abbreviated name to make identification

Different Roles within the system will allow for different functionality and need to be used in combination:

  • Educational Program Provider
  • Educational Unit Provider
  • Education Agent
  • Training Organisation
  • HEIMS Higher Education Provider
  • Training Organisation Location
  • Work Experience Provider
  • Education Payment Agent
  • Education Bank
  • Assoc Educational Program Provider
  • SVP Provider
Order by

The list produced can to be ordered by:

  • Name
  • Abbreviation
  • Status Id
  • Last Modified Date

The minimum system required fields

Field NameBrief Overview
NameThe Full and Legal name of the Institution to appear on official documents


An Abbreviated institution name to be used in drop boxes and internal system instances
ABNThe Australian Business Number is a unique identifier issued by the Australian Business Register
Address Line 1Physical address of Institution
Address line 2Physical address of Institution
SuburbPhysical address of Institution
Post CodePhysical address of Institution
StatePhysical address of Institution
CountryPhysical address of Institution
PhoneContact Phone number of Institution
FaxFax Number of Institution
Other PhoneOther Contact Phone numbers of Institution
MobileMobile phone of Institution
emailPrimary contact of Institution's email address
WebInstitution's Web address
Logo imageInstitution's logo, this in embedded into reports eg Transcripts, AHEGS, CANS, letters,
Web image
Invoice Fee CodeAbbreviated Fee Code eg SF - Star Fleet Academy
GST AmountThe amount of GST charged 10%
HE Provider CodeThe Higher Education Code allocated to each institution by the Government
Agent Commission Percentagethe amount to this agent for referring a student
Agent Category
  • Local
  • Overseas
Agent Focus
Agent Sales Representative
Agent Contact PersonPrimary contact for Agent
Agent Contract Original Date
Agent Contract Renewal Date
Institution Status
  • Active
  • Archived
Provider Course Id Type
  • Short
  • Long
SVP Agent
AHEGS Provider Print Detail
Cricos Provider CodeThe Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) is a register of Australian education providers that recruit, enrol and teach overseas students. Registration on CRICOS allows providers to offer courses to overseas students studying in Australia on student visas.
Related Bank Account
Same as Above (Tick Box)
Billing Attention Name
Billing Company Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Other Phone

Provider Roles 

These be added when a record is created or at later time when required

Assigned Roles for Provider options
Education Provider
Educational Program Provider
Educational Unit Provider
Education Agent
Training Organisation
HEIMS Higher Education Provider
Training Organisation Location
Work Experience Provider
Education Payment Agent
Education Bank
Assoc Educational Program Provider
SVP Provider


How to Load a Provider Record
