Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • You know how to create a base unit

  • You have an understanding of time periods / time period creation

  • You have administrator a sufficiently high level of system access to create a scheduled unit

  • A base unit record must have already been saved created before you can save the details that are required for create a scheduled unit record to be created in Paradigm

Key terms and concepts


Be advised

A new scheduled unit must be created whenever one of the following 5 7 fields changes:

  1. Unit Code

  2. Unit Name

  3. Start Date and

  4. End Date

  5. Census Date

  6. Delivery Mode

  7. Institution Code (otherwise known as location of delivery)

If any of these 5 7 fields change , then a new scheduled unit must MUST be created regardless of the course the student is undertaking.

E.g. If the Students are sitting in the same room (location / institution) and (delivery method), at the same time (start date), learning the same material / subject (unit code) it is one scheduled unit


Be advised

Although the above are the minimum required fields for a viable Scheduled unit, other information may be added in order to meet various Government reporting requirements.


Field Name


System Required




Element Number


Unit Id

Field Name

System Required


Element Number

Unit Id

Internal System Id Code for units. These numbers are allocated by the system when a unit is created

Unit Code


Unique Code for a unit given by the institution to identify the unit

Unit Start Date


The date when the unit is scheduled to start

Expected End Date


The date when the scheduled unit is expected to finish

HEIMS Census Date

The last day a student can withdraw from the unit without incurring the full cost of the unit



Indicates whether the Scheduled unit is ready to accept enrolments - Active / Cancelled / Archived. For a Scheduled Unit to be ready for use the status must be set to Active.

Provider Other Unit Id

Code extension given to units to identify them in LMS (Learning Management Systems)



Full name of the unit. This will appear on the student transcript

Class Number

Identifying multiple groups or classes that can be scheduled to run at the same time

Unit Provider


If the provider has multiple institutions within the same system, this can identify which provider is running this instance of the unit

Unit Teacher

Name of person(s) responsible for the unit delivery

Minimum Participants

Minimum number of students required to run this unit

Maximum Participants

Maximum number of students to be enrolled in this unit - useful . Useful to ensure that the enrolments don't exceed class room capacity

Current Participants

How many students are currently enrolled in this unit.

This is automatically updated by the system after each unit enrolment is added, deleted or removed

Transferred Participants

How many students have transferred out of this scheduled unit into another

Location (Campus)

The location where this scheduled unit is to be delivered. Useful if delivering the scheduled unit at multiple locations


The building and/or room number

Mode of Delivery


Online, On Campus, Intensive, Printed

Start Date

Commencing date of unit

End Date

Conclusion date of unit

HEIMS Census Date

The final date students can withdraw without incurring the full cost of the unit. HEIMS requires that this date be no less than 20% of the way through the unit. E489 is a HEIMS required reporting field

titleHEIMS E489

HEIMS Summer School Indicator

Is this unit being delivered in Summer school e.g. outside of normal Semesters

titleHEIMS E551


  • Active

  • Archived

  • Cancelled

  • Confirmed

  • Unconfirmed.

Units must have a status of Active to be available on the course plan

Printed Comments

Comments to appear on the results report for students to see

Internal Comments

Comments for internal staff only

Result Comments

Comments to appear on the results report for students to see

Invoice Fee Code

The Department / School which receives the fees for this unit

GST Percentage

Is GST charged for this unit if yes 10%

Nominal Hours

Nominal hours are the Nationally agreed hours required to deliver this unit

VET reporting required field

Scheduled Hours

The number of hours the institution / provider has scheduled to delivery this units / competency.

VET reporting required field

VET in Schools

Is this unit a part of the National VET in schools program.

VET reporting required field

Delivery Mode Identifier

What mode of delivery is this unit being done in.

VET reporting required field


To Which School / Department does this unit belong to


The name of the person / administrator responsible for this unit

Flexible Learning

Is the unit being delivered in the Flexible Learning format

Session Enrolment Restriction

It works by filtering the shown list of sessions at the moment of session enrolment based on the dates specified against the record set in the restriction test. Read more information below 👇


Some of these fields are required for minimum system functionality. Others fields are required for Government reporting. 

Flexible Learning

Flexible Learning describes the situation where the VET provider has a scheduled unit start date and end date that are different than the unit enrolment start and end date. You need to have the highest permission level to access this function.

The Unit Enrolment start and end dates should not be changed because this affects enrolment information that is vital to the business operations of the institution. When the scheduled unit start and end dates are not the same as the unit enrolment start and end dates, you can change the start and end dates for the scheduled units by following the steps in the Workflow section below.

Session Enrolment Restriction


Indicates the maximum number of students to be enrolled into this scheduled unit. Once this number has been reached students will not be able to be added to this schedule via the Course plan enrolment method. This number can be increased once the maximum has been reached within the edit Schedule unit page. Once the number has been increased students will again be able to enrol in this schedule unit via the Course Plan.

Current Participants

This is automatically updated by the system after each unit enrolment is added, deleted or removed

Indicates the number of students currently enrolled in the scheduled unit. This will help to support class viability decisions as scheduled units with fewer than the institution-determined enrolment number may not be financially viable and may need to be cancelled.

Transferred Participants

How many students have transferred out of this scheduled unit into another

Location (Campus)

The location where this scheduled unit is to be delivered. Useful if delivering the scheduled unit at multiple locations


The building and/or room number

Mode of Delivery


Online, On Campus, Intensive, Printed

Start Date

Commencing date of unit

End Date

Conclusion date of unit

HEIMS Census Date

The final date students can withdraw without incurring the full cost of the unit. HEIMS requires that this date be no less than 20% of the way through the unit. E489 is a HEIMS required reporting field

titleHEIMS E489

HEIMS Summer School Indicator

Is this unit being delivered in Summer school e.g. outside of normal Semesters

titleHEIMS E551


  • Active

  • Archived

  • Cancelled

  • Confirmed

  • Unconfirmed.

Units must have a status of Active to be available on the course plan

Printed Comments

Comments to appear on the results report for students to see

Internal Comments

Comments for internal staff only

Result Comments

Comments to appear on the results report for students to see

Invoice Fee Code

The Department / School which receives the fees for this unit

GST Percentage

Is GST charged for this unit if yes 10%

Nominal Hours

Nominal hours are the Nationally agreed hours required to deliver this unit

VET reporting required field

Scheduled Hours

The number of hours the institution / provider has scheduled to delivery this units / competency.

VET reporting required field

VET in Schools

Is this unit a part of the National VET in schools program.

VET reporting required field

Delivery Mode Identifier

What mode of delivery is this unit being done in.

VET reporting required field


To Which School / Department does this unit belong to


The name of the person / administrator responsible for this unit

Flexible Learning

When enabled allows Paradigm to store dates at the unit enrolment that differ to the dates defined by the associated scheduled unit.

Flexible Learning in the context of Paradigm functions is unrelated to scheduled units that operate in a blended or flexible delivery mode.

Session Enrolment Restriction

It works by filtering the shown list of sessions at the moment of session enrolment based on the dates specified against the record set in the restriction test.


Drop-down options:

Course enrolment = course start and expected end date
Unit enrolment = unit enrolment start date and expected end date
Scheduled unit = scheduled unit start and end dates

Note: This field is related to English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS). If the restriction is opt-in, it would impact sessions' visibility on student’s timetable.

Participants / Class Numbers


The status codes for unit enrolments are pre-set with default values and these cannot be changed or added to reflect individual provider status codes.

  • Current Participants Count = increment the counter against the scheduled unit when a student unit enrolment status is set to one of the following: "ENROLMENT_CONFIRMED","ENROLMENT_APPLIED","ENROLMENT_COMPLETED", "ENROLMENT_FAILED","ENROLMENT_ENROLLED"

  • Cancelled Participants Count = increment the counter against the scheduled unit when a student unit enrolment status is set to: ENROLMENT_WITHDRAWN

  • Transferred Participants Count = increment the counter against the scheduled unit when a student unit enrolment status is set to: ENROLMENT_TRANSFERED

Current Participants indicates the number of students currently enrolled in the scheduled unit. This will help to support class viability decisions as scheduled units with fewer than the institution-determined enrolment number may not be financially viable and may need to be cancelled.

Maximum Participants indicates the maximum number of students to be enrolled into this scheduled unit. Once this number has been reached students will not be able to be added to this schedule via the Course plan enrolment method. This number can be increased once the maximum has been reached within the edit Schedule unit page. Once the number has been increased students will again be able to enrol in this schedule unit via the Course Plan.

A report can be created within the report builder and added to required staff dashboards to provide data on class numbers for any given study period. This can provide data on class sizes / viability in one easy to read report.




Old Scheduled Units should NOT be updated and reused again as this will alter the dates for students previously enrolled into the unit.

A new Scheduled or a Rescheduled unit needs to be created each time when the unit is offering.


Always ensure that dates are entered correctly as incorrect information can have a flow-on effect for reporting periods.


A Census Date must always fall between the start date and end date of the unit and NO LESS than 20% of the way through the entire delivery period of the unit.


Previous Scheduled Units should not be updated and reused as a new unit. This will affect any historical student data. Scheduled Units should be either rescheduled or a new Scheduled Unit created.


Fee alterations will not update any students already enrolled into the unit.


Read more information below




Historical Scheduled Units should NOT be updated and reused again as this will alter the dates for students previously enrolled into the unit.

A new and unique Scheduled Unit must be created each time a unit is offered

  • Always ensure that dates are entered correctly as incorrect information can have a flow-on effect for reporting periods.

  • A Census Date must always fall between the start date and end date of the unit and NO LESS than 20% of the way through the entire delivery period of the unit.

  • Previous Scheduled Units should not be updated and reused as a new unit. This will affect any historical student data. Scheduled Units should be either rescheduled or a new Scheduled Unit created.

  • Fee alterations will not update any students already enrolled into the unit.

  • HEIMS Census dates are required to be no less than 20% of the way through the unit.

Flexible Learning



Flexible Learning in the context of Paradigm functions is unrelated to scheduled units that operate in a blended or flexible delivery mode.



The use of flexible learning has significant implications for how enrolment dates are managed within Paradigm. This feature is normally not appropriate for Higher Education providers. It is strongly recommended to speak with a member of the Silverband Support team prior to enabling Flexible Learning on a scheduled unit.

Flexible Learning is intended for VET and ELICOS providers who require the option of storing dates at a unit enrolment that are different to the dates set on the associated scheduled unit. In Paradigm under normal circumstances, the start date, expected end date and census date at a unit enrolment are exactly the same as the dates set on the associated scheduled unit.

You need to have the highest system permission level to access this function.

The use of Flexible Learning mode should not be taken lightly due to the implications to business operations including government reporting. A user will need to posses the highest system permission level in order to set the Flexible Learning field.

Session Enrolment Restriction



This field is related to English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS). Opting into the use of this field has implications around session visibility for enrolments made via the course plan.

Session Enrolment Restriction works by filtering the shown list of sessions at the moment of session enrolment based on the dates specified against the record set in the restriction test.

Date restriction options:

  • Course enrolment = course start and expected end date

  • Unit enrolment = unit enrolment start date and expected end date

  • Scheduled unit = scheduled unit start and end dates

Participant Counters



The status codes for unit enrolments are configured with default values using the default Paradigm enrolment status codes. This configuration is not end user configurable.

Current Participants Count

Count the number of students with a unit enrolment status set to one of the following options:






Cancelled Participants Count

Count the number of students with a unit enrolment status set to one of the following options:


Transferred Participants Count

Count the number of students with a unit enrolment status set to one of the following options:



title1. How to Search for a Scheduled Unit
  1. Click On the Units tab in the side menu.

  2. Click on the Search Scheduled Units option in the side menu

  3. Enter at least one of the following options in to the relevant search box: 

    • Unit Code

    • Unit Name

    • Unit Provider

    • Start Date

    • Unit Keywords

    • Unit Status

  4. Click on the Search Scheduled Unit button.

  5. This will show a list of units that meet the searched criteria

  6. To filter the list of units, in the search box above the list of units, start typing the unit name

  7. When you see the record for the unit you are looking for , click on the unit id code, highlighted in blue in the left column of that row.

  8. The Scheduled Unit has now been loaded.
