Versions Compared


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Education Provider

Default role assigned to all providers

Educational Program Provider

Associated with course enrolment records (i.e. the campus)

Educational Unit Provider

Associated with base units and scheduled units (i.e. the campus)

Education Agent

Identifies the provider as being an agents agent for the purposes of student recruitment

Training Organisation

Associated with AVETMISS reporting

HEIMS Higher Education Provider

Associated with HEIMS reporting

Training Organisation Location

Associated with an AVETMISS delivery location

Work Experience Provider

Associated with the work experience module

Education Payment Agent

Associated with the agent payment workflow


Allows the provider to be assigned as a diocese against the student record


Allows the provider to be assigned as a seminary against the student record

Communication sender

Allows users to send communications on behalf of the provider using the email address on of the provider record

Health provider

Allows the provider to be associated as a provider of overseas health cover within the OSHC module in Paradigm.

Provider information related fields


Field Name

Required Field

Brief Overview

Edit Provider Details Section

Provider Unique Id


Unique code to identify the Provider

Provider TCSI Uid


Unique code to identify the Provider allocated by TCSI



The Full and Legal name of the Provider to appear on official documents

Abbreviation E333


An Abbreviated Provider name to be used in drop boxes and internal system instances


The Australian Business Number is a unique identifier issued by the Australian Business Register

Trading Name

A business name used to carry out business functions and activities

Address Line 1 E427

Physical address of Provider

Address line 2 E428

Physical address of Provider

Suburb E429

Physical address of Provider

Post Code E431

Physical address of Provider

State E430

Physical address of Provider


Physical address of Provider


Contact Phone number of Provider (Work phone)


Fax Number of Provider

Other Phone

Other Contact Phone numbers of Provider (Home phone)


Mobile phone of Provider (Mobile phone)


Primary contact of Provider's email address


Provider's Web address

Logo image

Primary logo or branding image for use in system generated letters or reports

Web image

Secondary logo or branding image for use in system generated letters or reportsprimarily used in various Paradigm screens

Invoice Fee Code

Abbreviated Fee Code eg SF - Star Fleet Academy

GST Amount

The amount of GST charged 10%

HE Provider Code E306

The Higher Education Code allocated to each Provider by the Government

Agent Commission Percentage

the percentage amount paid to this agent for referring a student

Agent Category

  • Local

  • Overseas

Agent Focus

Agent Sales Representative

Agent Contact Person

Primary contact for Agent

Agent Contract Original Date

Agent Contract Renewal Date

Provider Status


  • Active

  • Archived

Provider Course Id Type

  • Short

  • Long

SVP Agent

SVP stands for Streamlined Visa Processing Agent

AHEGS Provider Print DetailDetails

Provider specific details that are to be optionally printed on each AHEGS

CRICOS Provider Code

The Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) is a register of Australian education providers that recruit, enrol and teach overseas students. Registration on CRICOS allows providers to offer courses to overseas students studying in Australia on student visas.

Related Bank Account

Parent Reporting Provider

The parent provider to be reported, or this provider if it is the parent provider

Effective From Date E609

The date the TCSI provider record is effective from

Effective To Date E610

The date the TCSI provider record is effective due to expire

Validation Status

The Status from TCSI of the provider record

Last Validated

The date the TCSI provider record was last validated on

Vet Provider Details

Statistical Local Area

Training Authority Identifier

Training Authority Name

Training Contract Identifier - New Apprenticeships

Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier

Training Organisation Identifier

Training Organisation Type Identifier

Addresses Section

Billing Attention Name

Mailing Person to address of at the Provider

Billing Company To Name

Mailing address of The business name to be shown for the Provider

Address Line 1

Mailing address of the Provider

Address Line 2

Mailing address of the Provider


Mailing Suburb of the mailing address of the Provider


Mailing Postcode of the mailing address of the Provider


Mailing State of the mailing address of the Provider


Mailing Country of the mailing address of the Provider


Mailing address Fixed phone number of the Provider


Mailing address Fax number of the Provider

Other Phone

Mailing address Alternative phone number of the Provider


Mailing address Mobile phone number of the Provider

Provider information required fields

Required Fields

System Required

Abbreviation Name E333


Group Name


Party Group Status Id


Provider Unique Id


Provider TCSI Uid



title1. How to Load a Provider Record
  1. Click on the Provider tab in the side menu

  2. Click on the Search option in the side menu

  3. Enter the Organisation name or Abbreviation

  4. Click on the Search Provider button

  5. This will show a list of Providers that meet the searched criteria

  6. To filter the list of Providers, in the search box above the list of Providers, start typing the Provider name to reduce the number of results.

  7. When you see the record for the Provider you are looking for, click on the Provider code for that provider, highlighted in blue in the left column of that row

  8. The Provider record has now been loaded.

title2. How to Create  / Add a Provider Record
  1. Click on the Provider tab in the side menu

  2. Click on the Add new option in the side menu

  3. Enter at least the minimum required fields for an operational Provider record, and any further information in the correct appropriate fields

  4. Click on the Save Details button

title3. How to Assign Provider Roles

Be advised

Before you try to assign a role to a provider, a provider record must have already been created and saved.

  1. For a new Provider, refer to the section above "How To Create / Add a Provider Record".

  2. For an existing Provider, load the provider record or refer to the section above "How To Load a Provider Record".

  3. Click on the Assign Roles dropdown box to select the role that you want to assign to the provider

  4. Click on the Assign Role button

  5. A provider record may have many assigned roles. Repeat steps 3 and 4 as necessary for your provider.

title4. How to Delete an Assigned Provider Role
  1. Load the provider record or refer to the section above "How To Load a Provider Record".

  2. Click on the delete icon next to the role to be removed

  3. A warning message will appear  - Are you sure you want to delete the selected item

  4. To proceed, click OK, or to keep the assigned role, click CANCEL.
